Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

career woman


1. Background
In the current era of globalization, many women see a variety of activities with a bunch of all forms. This situation is understandable especially sangant keasaan Indonesian economy is still in early stages of being.
This situation brings on the activities of women who are very solid and helpful husband and mwnjalani tertuntut career in employment.
It is then disputed by various parties about the position of women in the family. today Indonesia is a democracy. Anyone will tertuntut to engage in a variety of good things in the family and social. Thus the role of women is complex.
2. Problem formulation.
1. understanding women's careers.
2. status of the women in KHI
3. Career women's roles and demands in the era of globalization.


1. Understanding Women's Career
The woman is a woman who has a career advancement in life or develop better in the job, position, etc..
Women's careers have a desire to move forward and feel have an equal footing with men. They mempumyai commitment to progress in work and trying to do my best and discipline.
The situation is a challenge that must be faced by career women, given the demands of family and economic circumstances berperaqn to others.
2. Rights And Women In Position KHI
KHI described in article 79 that the rights and position of the wife is in balance with the husband adalam domestic life and social life in society and berdama each party do to perform legal acts.
KHI views pasaal 79 provides a balance in the reality of today. career woman as a wife with her husband tertuntut together in carrying out and meet family demands.
This is in accordance with the QS. Al-Baqarah verse 228 which means "the wife has the right balance with the kindness of its obligations under way but the husbands have a degree or level of their wives'
The degree is a husband against his wife's tolerance to ease some of the liability wife. Therefore, according to Imam Ath-Tabari explains "walaupum editorial paragraph was prepared in the news but the point is the command in the susmi to treat his wife is praiseworthy for the husband to obtain degrees.
Husband is a responsibility of the wife but the responsibility of the existing material and non material. For the husband is not capable of leading the family then its role can be done by a woman.
3. Career Women's Roles and Demands.
Women's career can not be separated from its role in my family and its role is needed by others.
A. Role As a mother Rmah Stairs.
Women's career as a mother in the household's first play, nurture and educate children. He worked with her husband in educating children to share things, to its future.
Both women have a role in regulating career households, namely:
1. perform the role as wife and mother to prepare the family's needs.
2. advising her husband and children.
B. As with husband Supporting Role.
1. cooperation in making a living. In reality now, the economic demand is very high, while the husband is not sufficient economy. other hand, women have many job opportunities. So here waanita very important role for a career and helping her husband to be responsible for my family.
2. Own earnings. When a woman is divorced or her husband does not work, so here's career woman desperately needed and must do to perform its function as a backbone of my family. Eg Mandy Pacitan who divorced her husband about three months. He must endure the life of a child. To change the lives of his life he was willing to be a Maid.
C. Role of Women in the Era of Globalization.
Dila associated with economic globalization, internationalization process berrti product, a high mobilization and inter ketergamtungan economy.
This situation is dragged to a system in which, where not only men who engage in the global economy. But women, too. Which economy is very eret dlobal pendikan relationship with high, high organizational skills and high spirits.
This is where women can be a career, many of the problems faced by humans either small or large. But a man who called a female leader, had many obstacles. Moreover, women take care of the problem. This is where the lady du \ itunjuk for women's issues. Moreover, in reality women are now able to participate in all spheres of life should a man. For example Syandra Kwan (Marccom Manager), Siti Ipda Saidah (Polwan Polredta South Suraya), Dr. Esty MR (Chief Medical Officer of Surabaya). Not only in economic terms can also be a career woman in politics
In Indonesia, women have their own space and place mentioned in Law No. 7 / 84 concerning the enforcement of rights of women. Act mo 1 / 81 on vacation. This is also referred to in article 79 KHI that women have the status and rights in the association of living together in nasyarakat and each party do to perform legal acts.


A career woman has the same status and rights sengan husband. This has been described in KHI padal 79.
In the era of career women now have complex roles dangat maupu good for my family for the public. This is the requirement that must be followed.
KHI strongly supports the rights and status of the women's career and gives space to act and produce a work, both my family and to the public.
KHI ahanya not supporting women, but also Law No. 7 / 84 concerning the enforcement of rights of women. Act mo 1 / 81 on vacation. This is a demand that can not be denied.

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