Jumat, 04 Maret 2011



Islam is a religion of love. Islam forbids followers to harm a fellow Muslim brothers, whether by action or utterance. In accordance with God's word in Surat al-Ahzab verse 58:
والذين يؤذون المؤمنين والمؤمنات بغير ما اكتسبوا فقد احتملوا بهتانا وإثما مبينا (الاحزاب: 58)
It means: "And those who harm the believers, men and women, without the mistakes they do, they bear obvious falsehood and sin." (Al-Ahzab: 58)
Includes a very large disaster is to break the brotherhood, love and decide to rip interpersonal relationships and pilgrims. Therefore backbiting or gossip including the cause of a great disaster, because the backbiting could break the brotherhood, love and decide to rip interpersonal relationships and pilgrims.


A. Understanding backbiting
Backbiting is defined by our Prophet as: other people talking about it, which if he knew he would not like it. So if we do things like that, it means have been doing backbiting, self-abuse, although in conversation with the real and actual. What we say is the reality of the situation we are talking about these people.
Backbiting is the desire to destroy people, a desire to tarnish pride, glory and honor other people, when they were not there before him. This shows kelicikannya, because the same stab in the back. This kind of attitude one form rather than destruction. Because of this mudslinging means against those who are helpless.

B. Legal backbiting
1. Prohibition of backbiting
In the Qur'an Allah forbids backbiting. Likened to people who like berghibah like people who eat meat carcasses brother. This is in accordance with Fiman God in the letter of al-Hujurat paragraph 12:
ولا يغتب بعضكم بعضا ايحب أحدكم أن يأكل لحم أخيه ميتا فكرهتموه. (الحجرات: 12)
Meaning: And do not some of you wag others. Sukakah one of you eat the flesh of his brother who is dead? So would you feel disgusted him. (Al-Hujurat: 12).
In the above verse Allah Almighty. equate people who cursed like people who eat meat that has rotted his brother, therefore, let us know and realize, that actually tells the ugliness of others adaah immense danger, and thus attempt to as closely as possible to be away from it. Do not let the said defects and cleft fellow Muslims.
Messenger s.a.w. wills will sharpen understanding of the verse to his friends who started with Samba, as mentioned below:
"Ask the Prophet told them: Do you know whether the so-called backbiting that? They replied: Allah and His Apostle know better. And the Prophet answered, namely: You talk about your sister about something she did not like it. Then the Prophet was asked: What if the brother was there what I said? Messenger of Allah said: If there is to him what you're talking about it, it means you are cursing him, and if you do not like what you're talking about it, it means you have accused him. " (Reported by Muslim, Abu Daud, Tarmizi and Nasa'i)
Humans do not like it when its shape, perangainya, nasabnya and characteristics were discussed. As mentioned in the following hadith:
"From Aisha who said: I never said to the Prophet: would you enough (satisfied) with Shafiyah so-and-so, that he was short, then the Prophet replied: Indeed you have said a word that if you mix with sea water would be mixed. " (Reported by Abu Dawud, and Tarmizi Bayhaqi)
The habit had started the habit of backbiting by the bullshit (laghwi), accompanied by ill will against anyone, any group, a nation. If people underestimate the sin of backbiting, it means that humans have destroyed the dignity of sanctity itself. We take refuge in Allah from the danger of backbiting.
2. Backbiting is allowed
While backbiting is forbidden, but there is specialization. There was some backbiting is allowed, among others:
a. Ask for help to change kemungkaran told by someone who feels capable of changing it to be truth.
b. People who didzalimi A judge could tell about someone kedzaliman, can also about betrayal or bribe people are doing it.
c. The story told Mufti (jurist) to ask for a fatwa. Suppose a wife who tells her husband that the super hunks to abandon his family, then the wife takes her husband's estate in secret. This is like the case of Hind bint Utbah who said to the Prophet Muhammad:
"Verily, Abu Sufyan is a stingy person, and do not give enough shopping for me and my children unless I take him outside. The Prophet replied: Take secukupmu and your children with not too much (simple) "(Bukhari Muslim)
d. Warns the Muslims from the evil one, because dikhawatirka will befall the Muslims. Let us know Praise be to Allaah Laknatullah Bush, Howard, Blair turned out to be an enemy of true Islam. So we can explain to people about kejelakan and konspiransi they created against the muslimim.
e. Not guilty if we tell someone who blatantly doing wicked / sinful.

C. This is Driving backbiting
Imam Al-Ghazali in his book Purifying the Soul, citing several factors that encourage backbiting. First, to vent anger. If you are angry, people easily mentioned evils. If someone does not have strong religious then it would not be able to prevent acts that backbiting.
The second factor is to adjust to my friends, to exchange pleasantries and support their conversation even though his talk was calling people mention disgrace.
Third, to precede it degrades the condition of people who feared ihwalnya looked ugly on the side of a respected person.
Fourth, the desire bercuci hands of deeds ascribed to him.
Fifth, to boast. Lifting himself and put others down. For example, he said, "So and so is stupid, shallow understanding and weak words."
Sixth, malice. Maybe he was jealous of people who praised, loved and respected people, and he wanted a cessation of pleasure from that person, but did not find a way to embarrass that person except in front of crowds.
Seventh, playing around, joking and fill empty time with jokes. Then he mentions shame other people for the people laughed at him. The cause of this is vanity and ujub.
Eighth, harassing and degrading others in order to menghinakannya. The reason is the arrogant and belittle others.

D. Efforts to Maintain Oral avoid backbiting.
If Islam has forbidden for a Muslim to run down fellow Muslim brother, or discuss it with something real is real to him or not, with a view to reducing the honor and glory. So in Islam is also confirmed to help people who are persecuted, as well as provide assistance to the people of Islam.
In addition, a Muslim is not allowed to humiliate a fellow Muslim brother. Because the Islamic brotherhood in desperate need of alertness of a person to give relief to his brother. Anyone who offend a Muslim, Allah swt. would be menghinakannya. While that helped his brother fellow Muslims then allah swt. also will help him.
From Ubayah bin Kulaib narrated that he was told, I never heard of ibn al-Sammak said, "Animals buasmu is between your lips." With it you can eat (slandering) anyone who passes in front of you. But then, you have been harass the villagers on their own until you were addicted to harass people who are already dead.
A lot of pleasure which have been accepted because oral. Therefore we are thankful for, namely by using the verbal to:
1. Increase the dhikr to Allah swt. that created it.
2. Reproduce read the Koran.
3. Leading others towards the teachings of Allah's religion.
4. to give birth to something that is in the heart of any intent requirement with respect to issues of religion and our worldly affairs.
There are three things that will hinder you to do not wag their:
1. You may wag your brother with a case that is in you.
2. You may wag your brother with a case that turned out bigger on you.
3. You may wag your brother with a case that does not exist in you.

E. Consequences of backbiting
People who wag, should be aware of and repent, and regretted it for free from the punishment of Allah, then demanded the release of people who digunjing counterclaim to be free from tyranny.
In a saheeh hadeeth, narrated that the Prophet SAW said: "Who has the tyranny of his brother demands regarding honor or property then he asked for his release before the coming days where no dinars and dirhams, but will be taken from the goodness-goodness then taken his brother evils then added to the ugliness, ugliness. "
In another hadith narrated by Abu Dawood in his Musnad and mursal, the Prophet Muhammad once said: "At night when I do travel the night (Isra '), I passed by a people who scratch their face with their own nails. I asked,' O Jibril, who are they? 'Gabriel replied,' they are people who gossip and condemn honor others'. "


Backbiting is an activity to talk about another person with intent to destroy people, a desire to tarnish pride, glory and honor other people, when they were not there before him. Legal backbiting is forbidden, it is in accordance with those described in the Qur'an that people who like berghibah rather like people who eat meat carcasses brother.
People who like backbiting caused because he could not keep his tongue. Therefore, to avoid using verbal backbiting is to:
1. Increase the dhikr to Allah swt. that created it.
2. Reproduce read the Koran.
3. Leading others towards the teachings of Allah's religion.
4. to give birth to something that is in the heart of any intent requirement with respect to issues of religion and our worldly affairs.
Efforts to maintain oral to avoid backbiting is very important because the negative impact of backbiting is so big. Backbiting can break the brotherhood, and decide the relationship between personal and pilgrims.


- Hashim, Ahmad Umar, Being Muslim Kaffah, Based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW, Yogyakarta: Mitra Pustaka, 2004.
- Al-Jalil Abdul-Aziz bin Nasir, son of Fateh Uqail Bahauddin, Learning Generation Ethics of the Salaf, Jakarta: Darul Haq, 2004.
- Mahali, A. Mudjab, Al-Ghazali on Ethical Life, London: BPFE, 1984.


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Name: Ahmad Hariyadi
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FACULTY Ushuluddin

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