By: Prof. M. Dawam Rahardjo
Imam Khomeini, was born in the town of Khomein-Central, Iran in 1902, and has lived and was educated in Najaf, Iraq for 14 years, but graduated from high in the holy city of Qom in the field of theology and Islamic law (fiqh) - get a view of history as the leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution spectacular. In terms of what we know in Indonesia, he bears the title "Great Leader of the Revolution" and at the same time "Ratu Adil". Because its primary mission, as in waiting for it, is to uphold justice. He himself belongs to the categories "fair judge" (just jurists), or jurists who according to his own words is a "fortress of Islam." In the context of the revolution that is in the process in the late '80s, Imam Khomeini called for the jurists, experts in Islamic law, "considering the situation the country as the merchants keep the market, but with prudence." He himself has written a book that is very sharp criticism against the regime of Pahlavi Dynasty and the conditions in Iran in the 1940s, in his book "Kasyful Asrar" ("Unlocking Secrets", which is an unconscious state of society generally). Shia itself is a sect which continued the tradition in medieval Mu'tazilite who calls himself the "peoples of Tawheed wa al adl", monotheism and justice experts. In those words, monotheism and justice are two sides of same coin. Justice comes from unity and monotheism which is the human relationship with their Lord (Allah al hablun min) manifested in justice in relations among humans (habun min al unlucky).
Noting the state of the country signaled for the jurists involved are responsible in taking care of the problem of state and government. In Shia Islamic doctrine, the public was led by priests, especially the Imam of 12. The last Imam has disappeared, but he will return as the Imam Mahdi. But during the Priest's supernatural, the clergy, the jurists should take over leadership. Thus, contemporary leadership, namely the jurists, is a vice or a caliph of the priests who have supernatural. On the basis of that trust, then the Imam Khomeini created the concept of 'House of al-Faqih "which became guard (guardian) of Islamic law. The concept of charisma is what led to the jurists who are represented by Imam Khomeini. Presumably Imam Khomeini realized that kind of leadership, that leadership can be lost after he died. Therefore, the charisma that dilembagakannya kemimpinan or Imamate in the region of al-Faqih concept, so the priesthood was to be continued from time to time. Meanwhile kefuqahaan dibibitkan and developed it through hauzah-jurists, namely education and research institutions, as there are and concentrate on the holy city of Qom Iran or Iraq Najef, where the Imam Khomeini himself was educated and raised.
According to Imam Khomeini, the jurists are not only experts in the field of Islamic law, or just a spiritual leader. Fuqaha the plenary should also expert d other areas, such as philosophy, political, social and economic. Ayatollah Rafsanjani, for example, is also a brilliant economist. Similarly large commentators Tabataba'i scholars who wrote books on Islamic economic system. While Ayatollah Murtadha Mutahhari is also ahili history, sociologist and social philosopher who is very prolific writing of books in various fields and has been widely translated and published in Indonesia.
In line with that thinking, the Imam Khomeini strongly opposed to secularism that separates religion from the state or political. This view is not purely normative, but also empirically, as shown in the Iranian revolutionary movement. In his own explanation:
Islamic doctrine is applied in the life kemesyarakatan, patriotism administration of justice and opposition to tyranny and dispotisme. Reminiscent of adherents to Islam are not subject to foreign rule. This is why the imperialists eager distracting people by drawing the line between between religion and government and politics.
For him, religious or legal experts (jurists) have dharma (duty) to enforce the laws of God which in essence is a mission run by states and governments fair. Opposed the regime of the Shah dynasty in Iran, various groups have tried, including a group of socialist or Marxist and nationalist group last chaired by the legendary leader who dared to oppose U.S. imperialism, Mosaddeq. But all have failed. After that, the religion is the only opposition voices that can be heard. Since 1964, Imam Khomeini was the only figure capable of presenting the concept of opposition in ideological systematically different or a new alternative. Ideology that didasarkannya on a theological concept called the Territory of al-Faqih who opposed the traditional leadership that is highly anticipated system.
Imam Khomeini did occupy a dominant position as leaders charismatic, to borrow Weber's concept is different from traditional leadership on the one hand and democratic leadership on the other. But actually he was not alone in spreading the seeds of revolution. In essence there are two groups of leaders who accumulates the Iranian Islamic revolution. First is a group of scholars or jurists and philosophers. In addition to Khomeini, a leading ayatollahs also-other ayatollahs, such as Morteza Muttahari, Madari Ayatollah, Ayatollah Ayatollah Ni'matullah Salihi and Talegani to take a leading part. Muttahari many kesejaharan and social approach, while the three other ayatollahs have different concepts about the area of al-Faqih in relation to democracy. Second, is a group of enlightened intellectuals, represented by Ali, Dr. Mehdi Bazargan and Bani Sadr. Ali himself opposed the concept of domination of the jurists, since for him the jurists may not be able to understand Islam properly, even in the past has a lot to make mistakes that lead to deterioration of Islam. They are not necessarily superior to ruqyah, especially in modern society. Ali is more likely in the leadership of what he calls enlightened intellectuals (rausan Fikr). Rausan Fikr But this is not only derived from public intellectuals, but also can come from the cleric, Ayatollah Muttahari example of a social philosopher who not only mastered theology but also philosophy and social sciences and history.
Ayatollah Khomeini's hold on the concept of sovereignty of God and regard the Qur'an as the constitution of Islam, and therefore he argued that the state does not require parliament as the legislative body that make up the Act. To him the people that already have a basic law, namely the Qur'an which is supported by the Sunna. But this does not mean that parliament is not required. Parliament is required, but to create implementing regulations or the organic law to give the task to the executive. But the holder of executive power should be also the jurists.
That is the formal concept of Ayatollah Khomeini. But in its implementation, Imam Khomeini also accommodate different views of Ali's. The proof he chose Dr. Mehdi Bazargan as Prime Minister of the Provisional Government formed during transsi. He then blessed the Bani Sadr economic scholar who is prone to socialist upbringing Paris as the first Iranian president nyang, although later he overthrew his own. People of other scholars are also other notable example is Godzabeg and Dr Sadeq. Ebrahim Yazdi In reality now, although its president is a cleric or ayatollahs, but the representatives and ministers in the cabinet is a Western trained Muslim scholars.
The main work of Ayatollah Khomeini was the Islamic Revolution of Iran itself. He leads Revolution itself quite spectacular because the first, managed to overthrow the despotic regime of Shah Pahlavi who at that time was very strong, supported by armed forces which number five strongest in the world of its time, thanks to oil wealth and modernization program. Second, the revolution was able to repel the U.S. invaders, a world superpower is greatly feared by other nations in the world.
But apart from that the Islamic Revolution of Iran has a number of features that are not owned by Revolisi American, French Revolution, Russian Revolution or the Chinese Revolution in the East. International political scientist Richard Falk, who is also a leading researcher konfik and peace (Peace and Conflict Research) suggests three characteristics of the Iranian Islamic Revolution of 1979 was as follows:
1. Relative did not use violence, such as the Prophet conquered Mecca, and unlike other revolutions were bloody.
2. Not modeled other revolutions in the West and East.
3. Religious nature that combines politics and religion as well as religion and nationalism in the modern age.
Iran's Islamic Revolution led by Imam Khomeini was a typical religious nature that takes its inspiration from Islamic teachings that oppose tyranny. But Iran's Islamic Revolution that also contain universal values. The outlines of the runway of Imam Khomeini's thoughts, according to Abdullah Yusuf Puar that Sunnis are as follows:
1. Enforcing the independence on the basis of a pure Islamic teachings.
2. Elements of the people must be strong in the government.
3. Wealth is distributed evenly across the country to achieve social justice.
4. Doing cultural liberation from foreign influence.
5. Wealth in society is used for public purposes.
By definition it appears that Iran's Islamic Revolution has parallels with the Indonesian Revolution which bases itself on the principles of Democracy and Socio-Socio-Nalionalisme, while Iran's democracy is not just a political democracy, but also economic democracy, which refers to social justice. The mission was actually carried by Region al Faqih.
By Region al Faqih concept that Imam Khomeini often referred to as the fundamentalists. Indeed there is truth, because he wanted to actualize the Prophet governance models and the Caliphate of Imam Ali ra. But instead, he wanted to actualize the concept of Imamate in Shi'a tradition in a modern context. It's just that he believes the leadership that the jurists and not to the Western educated intellectuals (at least in theory). The concept of his state is actually a theocracy, which is different from the concept of theo-democracy ever proposed by Mohammad Natsir and championed by the party Masyumi from Indonesia.
But his ideas were different from the idea of Sunni fundamentalists who wanted to establish Islamic caliphate on earth. The principle of the caliphate that contain four principles, namely:
Principle 1: Sovereignty in the hands of God.
Principle 2: The Authority is in the hands of Muslims
Principle 3: There is only one Caliph.
Principle 4: Caliph run Law and the Law (of Islam).
Concept Area al-Faqih also bases itself on the principle of the sovereignty of God. He it is Who created the law for man, not man created for himself as the legal systems of Western democracies. But the authority held by the group, so it is a collective authority, berdeda with the concept of an autocratic Sunni caliphate. Imam Khomeini actually admire the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, namely the concept of philosopher king. It's just according to his interpretation, it is the philosopher jurists collectively. Actually ayatollahs like Tabataba'i, Mutahhari and Khomeini can be categorized as ideal philosopher. Meanwhile, according to Ali, the leadership was held by Fikr rausan, enlightened scholars from both public education and jurists.
Today, the jurists walaun retain ultimate sovereignty in the area of al-Faqih agencies, but executed through a democratic political system, with key indicators, the general election, both for body and president lagislatif. Democratic system is characterized also by the existence of various groups with schools of different. First flow of conservative fundamentalists, represented by Ayatollah Khamenei, the main disciple of ayatollahs Khomeini himself. Second, moderate and pragmatic fudamentalis flow represented by Ayatollah Rafsanjani, who had served as prime minister of Iran. The third is the flow of liberal reformers who once represented by Dr. Mehdi Bazargan who had served as prime minister of Iran Imam Khomeini show directly. Deputy who is now (2005) is a successful Ayatollah Khatami was elected President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
On his way, indeed there have been changes that previously seemed monolithic, now menjad more pluralist. Even the Marxist faction had played an important role, once known as the Tudeh Party (Communist Party of Iran) and now the group Mujahedeen Khalk long had a tradition of opposition and liberation movements in Iran. At the beginning of the revolution, women are still mengalam discrimination, for example, should not be a judge let alone head of state. Now (2005), one of Khatami's vice president of the Iranian leader is a woman.
What is interesting from the Islamic Republic of Iran is the commitment of state and government in implementing Islamic law but at the same time also trying to find forms of democracy in government or in the political system. In economic systems, Iran's attempt to apply the principles in berekonomi syar'ah. Secagai example of the Iranian government is totally convert the system of conventional banks into Islamic banks or bank fully Shari'ah. The Iranian government also sought to establish trade relations especially with Muslim countries.
In the system of state and government, Iran model "ideologization of religion" to form a religious ideology. According to Geiger, the ideology is "a system of ideas about social reality, which articulated with internal konsustensi and logically elaborated on the basis of initial assumptions to form a written corpus, freedom of thought people who can be a reference and can be the basis of interpretation, comments and indoktrinas . In this, Islam by Ali Merad ideologsasi means "merumusklan Islamic content in the form of norms and values regarding tatatan sosal-politics". The problem is who can write the concept of ideology. According to Khomeini, who are able are the jurists. But whether they are able to work alone without the help of modern intellectuals? Because it will inevitably Wilayatul Faqih concept according to Imam Khomeini had to have revision.
Khomeini's views were actually preceded by earlier scholars, such as Mulla Ahmad Naraqu (d. 1629) and Shaikh Muhammad Hussain Naimi (d. 1936), two figures who have the same views on the prerogative of Jurists in the fields of politics, neither control develop a central theme of political theory. For those of Imam Khomeini, the Jurists have to hold power, replacing the king or ruler, although technical problems can be handed to the experts, but the highest authority in the field of socio-politics must remain in the hands of a just faqih.
In view of Iran today, the Islamic government is the government of the people to hold on to God's law, where the supreme head of government must be held a faqih, an expert in the field of Islamic law to be implemented by the government. In the governance model of Shia Islam, the clergy occupied the position, both as the guardian (guardian or guardians), interpreter (interpreter) or executor (executor) God's laws. Therefore the government so it is a true and fair government. Pemerntahan Islam must act in accordance with the shari'ah. The terms of these assumptions can only be met by the faqih. Kerenanya the faqih is a figure who is considered the most ready to govern society.
The value of leadership power in the nature and essence according Wilayatul Faqih concept by Iman Khomeini, although in practice it turns out modification. General elections in determining who is ultimately elected president and legislators. Islamic government is a constitutional government with the Qur'an and Hadith. As the constitution.
However, not all the ayatollahs approved the concept. For example, Ayatollah Ni'matullah Najasafabagi Salihi. For him the nature of the juridical area should be a social contract (social contract) between the people and the faqih who is trusted by the people. In order to involve people with interests and role of the powerful institutions of law, he tried mamadukan modern concepts such as "majority rule", "social contract", and "representation" with the principles of Islamic government.
The purpose of Imam Khomeini in the region of al-Faqih concept is social justice, equitable distribution of wealth, a productive economy that is based on national strength and a simple lifestyle and based on the conception that would reduce the large gaps between rich and poor and between the ruling and governed. Imam Khomeni indeed have more confidence to the jurists in the lead the government, but he also stressed that the Islamic Republic, the government should be responsible to the people, through the mechanism of elections and the legislature.
The current Iranian government is basing itself on the concept of al-Faqih Area offered by Imam Khomeini. In reality the government and political systems of contemporary Iran continued to seek a form that presumably is influenced by the flow of currents of thought, not only contain the differences between the clergy and intellectuals, but also differences among the mullahs themselves. Ayatollah Khamanei eg different views with the views of Ayatollah Khatami's liberal and progressive, in addition to the difference between the Imam Khomeini by Dr. Ali in the past.
Imam Khomeini's will still be remembered as the Great Leader of the Revolution, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Mr. Sang Ratu Adil, but not all of the opinion seems to be followed fully and dogmatically, even by the mullahs themselves who turned out to have many different views. Shia Iran's Islamic society is a pluralistic society with diverse streams of thought, religious and since from the fundamentalist and conservative to a liberal or Marxist. And in fact, Islam in Iran could accept the influence of the modern streams, including Marxist, as shown by Ali, even though the term "Islamic-Marxist" who was ejected as "liberation theology of Latin America", is regarded as an absurd by Imam Khomeini. [Source:] Prof. M. Dawam Rahardjo
Imam Khomeini, was born in the town of Khomein-Central, Iran in 1902, and has lived and was educated in Najaf, Iraq for 14 years, but graduated from high in the holy city of Qom in the field of theology and Islamic law (fiqh) - get a view of history as the leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution spectacular. In terms of what we know in Indonesia, he bears the title "Great Leader of the Revolution" and at the same time "Ratu Adil". Because its primary mission, as in waiting for it, is to uphold justice. He himself belongs to the categories "fair judge" (just jurists), or jurists who according to his own words is a "fortress of Islam." In the context of the revolution that is in the process in the late '80s, Imam Khomeini called for the jurists, experts in Islamic law, "considering the situation the country as the merchants keep the market, but with prudence." He himself has written a book that is very sharp criticism against the regime of Pahlavi Dynasty and the conditions in Iran in the 1940s, in his book "Kasyful Asrar" ("Unlocking Secrets", which is an unconscious state of society generally). Shia itself is a sect which continued the tradition in medieval Mu'tazilite who calls himself the "peoples of Tawheed wa al adl", monotheism and justice experts. In those words, monotheism and justice are two sides of same coin. Justice comes from unity and monotheism which is the human relationship with their Lord (Allah al hablun min) manifested in justice in relations among humans (habun min al unlucky).
Noting the state of the country signaled for the jurists involved are responsible in taking care of the problem of state and government. In Shia Islamic doctrine, the public was led by priests, especially the Imam of 12. The last Imam has disappeared, but he will return as the Imam Mahdi. But during the Priest's supernatural, the clergy, the jurists should take over leadership. Thus, contemporary leadership, namely the jurists, is a vice or a caliph of the priests who have supernatural. On the basis of that trust, then the Imam Khomeini created the concept of 'House of al-Faqih "which became guard (guardian) of Islamic law. The concept of charisma is what led to the jurists who are represented by Imam Khomeini. Presumably Imam Khomeini realized that kind of leadership, that leadership can be lost after he died. Therefore, the charisma that dilembagakannya kemimpinan or Imamate in the region of al-Faqih concept, so the priesthood was to be continued from time to time. Meanwhile kefuqahaan dibibitkan and developed it through hauzah-jurists, namely education and research institutions, as there are and concentrate on the holy city of Qom Iran or Iraq Najef, where the Imam Khomeini himself was educated and raised.
According to Imam Khomeini, the jurists are not only experts in the field of Islamic law, or just a spiritual leader. Fuqaha the plenary should also expert d other areas, such as philosophy, political, social and economic. Ayatollah Rafsanjani, for example, is also a brilliant economist. Similarly large commentators Tabataba'i scholars who wrote books on Islamic economic system. While Ayatollah Murtadha Mutahhari is also ahili history, sociologist and social philosopher who is very prolific writing of books in various fields and has been widely translated and published in Indonesia.
In line with that thinking, the Imam Khomeini strongly opposed to secularism that separates religion from the state or political. This view is not purely normative, but also empirically, as shown in the Iranian revolutionary movement. In his own explanation:
Islamic doctrine is applied in the life kemesyarakatan, patriotism administration of justice and opposition to tyranny and dispotisme. Reminiscent of adherents to Islam are not subject to foreign rule. This is why the imperialists eager distracting people by drawing the line between between religion and government and politics.
For him, religious or legal experts (jurists) have dharma (duty) to enforce the laws of God which in essence is a mission run by states and governments fair. Opposed the regime of the Shah dynasty in Iran, various groups have tried, including a group of socialist or Marxist and nationalist group last chaired by the legendary leader who dared to oppose U.S. imperialism, Mosaddeq. But all have failed. After that, the religion is the only opposition voices that can be heard. Since 1964, Imam Khomeini was the only figure capable of presenting the concept of opposition in ideological systematically different or a new alternative. Ideology that didasarkannya on a theological concept called the Territory of al-Faqih who opposed the traditional leadership that is highly anticipated system.
Imam Khomeini did occupy a dominant position as leaders charismatic, to borrow Weber's concept is different from traditional leadership on the one hand and democratic leadership on the other. But actually he was not alone in spreading the seeds of revolution. In essence there are two groups of leaders who accumulates the Iranian Islamic revolution. First is a group of scholars or jurists and philosophers. In addition to Khomeini, a leading ayatollahs also-other ayatollahs, such as Morteza Muttahari, Madari Ayatollah, Ayatollah Ayatollah Ni'matullah Salihi and Talegani to take a leading part. Muttahari many kesejaharan and social approach, while the three other ayatollahs have different concepts about the area of al-Faqih in relation to democracy. Second, is a group of enlightened intellectuals, represented by Ali, Dr. Mehdi Bazargan and Bani Sadr. Ali himself opposed the concept of domination of the jurists, since for him the jurists may not be able to understand Islam properly, even in the past has a lot to make mistakes that lead to deterioration of Islam. They are not necessarily superior to ruqyah, especially in modern society. Ali is more likely in the leadership of what he calls enlightened intellectuals (rausan Fikr). Rausan Fikr But this is not only derived from public intellectuals, but also can come from the cleric, Ayatollah Muttahari example of a social philosopher who not only mastered theology but also philosophy and social sciences and history.
Ayatollah Khomeini's hold on the concept of sovereignty of God and regard the Qur'an as the constitution of Islam, and therefore he argued that the state does not require parliament as the legislative body that make up the Act. To him the people that already have a basic law, namely the Qur'an which is supported by the Sunna. But this does not mean that parliament is not required. Parliament is required, but to create implementing regulations or the organic law to give the task to the executive. But the holder of executive power should be also the jurists.
That is the formal concept of Ayatollah Khomeini. But in its implementation, Imam Khomeini also accommodate different views of Ali's. The proof he chose Dr. Mehdi Bazargan as Prime Minister of the Provisional Government formed during transsi. He then blessed the Bani Sadr economic scholar who is prone to socialist upbringing Paris as the first Iranian president nyang, although later he overthrew his own. People of other scholars are also other notable example is Godzabeg and Dr Sadeq. Ebrahim Yazdi In reality now, although its president is a cleric or ayatollahs, but the representatives and ministers in the cabinet is a Western trained Muslim scholars.
The main work of Ayatollah Khomeini was the Islamic Revolution of Iran itself. He leads Revolution itself quite spectacular because the first, managed to overthrow the despotic regime of Shah Pahlavi who at that time was very strong, supported by armed forces which number five strongest in the world of its time, thanks to oil wealth and modernization program. Second, the revolution was able to repel the U.S. invaders, a world superpower is greatly feared by other nations in the world.
But apart from that the Islamic Revolution of Iran has a number of features that are not owned by Revolisi American, French Revolution, Russian Revolution or the Chinese Revolution in the East. International political scientist Richard Falk, who is also a leading researcher konfik and peace (Peace and Conflict Research) suggests three characteristics of the Iranian Islamic Revolution of 1979 was as follows:
1. Relative did not use violence, such as the Prophet conquered Mecca, and unlike other revolutions were bloody.
2. Not modeled other revolutions in the West and East.
3. Religious nature that combines politics and religion as well as religion and nationalism in the modern age.
Iran's Islamic Revolution led by Imam Khomeini was a typical religious nature that takes its inspiration from Islamic teachings that oppose tyranny. But Iran's Islamic Revolution that also contain universal values. The outlines of the runway of Imam Khomeini's thoughts, according to Abdullah Yusuf Puar that Sunnis are as follows:
1. Enforcing the independence on the basis of a pure Islamic teachings.
2. Elements of the people must be strong in the government.
3. Wealth is distributed evenly across the country to achieve social justice.
4. Doing cultural liberation from foreign influence.
5. Wealth in society is used for public purposes.
By definition it appears that Iran's Islamic Revolution has parallels with the Indonesian Revolution which bases itself on the principles of Democracy and Socio-Socio-Nalionalisme, while Iran's democracy is not just a political democracy, but also economic democracy, which refers to social justice. The mission was actually carried by Region al Faqih.
By Region al Faqih concept that Imam Khomeini often referred to as the fundamentalists. Indeed there is truth, because he wanted to actualize the Prophet governance models and the Caliphate of Imam Ali ra. But instead, he wanted to actualize the concept of Imamate in Shi'a tradition in a modern context. It's just that he believes the leadership that the jurists and not to the Western educated intellectuals (at least in theory). The concept of his state is actually a theocracy, which is different from the concept of theo-democracy ever proposed by Mohammad Natsir and championed by the party Masyumi from Indonesia.
But his ideas were different from the idea of Sunni fundamentalists who wanted to establish Islamic caliphate on earth. The principle of the caliphate that contain four principles, namely:
Principle 1: Sovereignty in the hands of God.
Principle 2: The Authority is in the hands of Muslims
Principle 3: There is only one Caliph.
Principle 4: Caliph run Law and the Law (of Islam).
Concept Area al-Faqih also bases itself on the principle of the sovereignty of God. He it is Who created the law for man, not man created for himself as the legal systems of Western democracies. But the authority held by the group, so it is a collective authority, berdeda with the concept of an autocratic Sunni caliphate. Imam Khomeini actually admire the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, namely the concept of philosopher king. It's just according to his interpretation, it is the philosopher jurists collectively. Actually ayatollahs like Tabataba'i, Mutahhari and Khomeini can be categorized as ideal philosopher. Meanwhile, according to Ali, the leadership was held by Fikr rausan, enlightened scholars from both public education and jurists.
Today, the jurists walaun retain ultimate sovereignty in the area of al-Faqih agencies, but executed through a democratic political system, with key indicators, the general election, both for body and president lagislatif. Democratic system is characterized also by the existence of various groups with schools of different. First flow of conservative fundamentalists, represented by Ayatollah Khamenei, the main disciple of ayatollahs Khomeini himself. Second, moderate and pragmatic fudamentalis flow represented by Ayatollah Rafsanjani, who had served as prime minister of Iran. The third is the flow of liberal reformers who once represented by Dr. Mehdi Bazargan who had served as prime minister of Iran Imam Khomeini show directly. Deputy who is now (2005) is a successful Ayatollah Khatami was elected President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
On his way, indeed there have been changes that previously seemed monolithic, now menjad more pluralist. Even the Marxist faction had played an important role, once known as the Tudeh Party (Communist Party of Iran) and now the group Mujahedeen Khalk long had a tradition of opposition and liberation movements in Iran. At the beginning of the revolution, women are still mengalam discrimination, for example, should not be a judge let alone head of state. Now (2005), one of Khatami's vice president of the Iranian leader is a woman.
What is interesting from the Islamic Republic of Iran is the commitment of state and government in implementing Islamic law but at the same time also trying to find forms of democracy in government or in the political system. In economic systems, Iran's attempt to apply the principles in berekonomi syar'ah. Secagai example of the Iranian government is totally convert the system of conventional banks into Islamic banks or bank fully Shari'ah. The Iranian government also sought to establish trade relations especially with Muslim countries.
In the system of state and government, Iran model "ideologization of religion" to form a religious ideology. According to Geiger, the ideology is "a system of ideas about social reality, which articulated with internal konsustensi and logically elaborated on the basis of initial assumptions to form a written corpus, freedom of thought people who can be a reference and can be the basis of interpretation, comments and indoktrinas . In this, Islam by Ali Merad ideologsasi means "merumusklan Islamic content in the form of norms and values regarding tatatan sosal-politics". The problem is who can write the concept of ideology. According to Khomeini, who are able are the jurists. But whether they are able to work alone without the help of modern intellectuals? Because it will inevitably Wilayatul Faqih concept according to Imam Khomeini had to have revision.
Khomeini's views were actually preceded by earlier scholars, such as Mulla Ahmad Naraqu (d. 1629) and Shaikh Muhammad Hussain Naimi (d. 1936), two figures who have the same views on the prerogative of Jurists in the fields of politics, neither control develop a central theme of political theory. For those of Imam Khomeini, the Jurists have to hold power, replacing the king or ruler, although technical problems can be handed to the experts, but the highest authority in the field of socio-politics must remain in the hands of a just faqih.
In view of Iran today, the Islamic government is the government of the people to hold on to God's law, where the supreme head of government must be held a faqih, an expert in the field of Islamic law to be implemented by the government. In the governance model of Shia Islam, the clergy occupied the position, both as the guardian (guardian or guardians), interpreter (interpreter) or executor (executor) God's laws. Therefore the government so it is a true and fair government. Pemerntahan Islam must act in accordance with the shari'ah. The terms of these assumptions can only be met by the faqih. Kerenanya the faqih is a figure who is considered the most ready to govern society.
The value of leadership power in the nature and essence according Wilayatul Faqih concept by Iman Khomeini, although in practice it turns out modification. General elections in determining who is ultimately elected president and legislators. Islamic government is a constitutional government with the Qur'an and Hadith. As the constitution.
However, not all the ayatollahs approved the concept. For example, Ayatollah Ni'matullah Najasafabagi Salihi. For him the nature of the juridical area should be a social contract (social contract) between the people and the faqih who is trusted by the people. In order to involve people with interests and role of the powerful institutions of law, he tried mamadukan modern concepts such as "majority rule", "social contract", and "representation" with the principles of Islamic government.
The purpose of Imam Khomeini in the region of al-Faqih concept is social justice, equitable distribution of wealth, a productive economy that is based on national strength and a simple lifestyle and based on the conception that would reduce the large gaps between rich and poor and between the ruling and governed. Imam Khomeni indeed have more confidence to the jurists in the lead the government, but he also stressed that the Islamic Republic, the government should be responsible to the people, through the mechanism of elections and the legislature.
The current Iranian government is basing itself on the concept of al-Faqih Area offered by Imam Khomeini. In reality the government and political systems of contemporary Iran continued to seek a form that presumably is influenced by the flow of currents of thought, not only contain the differences between the clergy and intellectuals, but also differences among the mullahs themselves. Ayatollah Khamanei eg different views with the views of Ayatollah Khatami's liberal and progressive, in addition to the difference between the Imam Khomeini by Dr. Ali in the past.
Imam Khomeini's will still be remembered as the Great Leader of the Revolution, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Mr. Sang Ratu Adil, but not all of the opinion seems to be followed fully and dogmatically, even by the mullahs themselves who turned out to have many different views. Shia Iran's Islamic society is a pluralistic society with diverse streams of thought, religious and since from the fundamentalist and conservative to a liberal or Marxist. And in fact, Islam in Iran could accept the influence of the modern streams, including Marxist, as shown by Ali, even though the term "Islamic-Marxist" who was ejected as "liberation theology of Latin America", is regarded as an absurd by Imam Khomeini. [Source:]
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