Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

Investigative Reporting

Investigative Reporting [* Presented in "Investigative Journalism Training, Student Press Agency (LPM) BEM Unesa Surabaya, Date 6 to 8 August 2010 at the Villa Rukmini Trawas Mojokerto

Lately, the term investigations often arise decorate the news media, both nationally and locally. Even some media --- print, TV --- frank calls as a result invetigasi coverage.
Then if all the news that's worth mentioning invetigasi news? The answer may be yes can not. Among journalists themselves occur differences of opinion. Some say each reporter was also an investigator. But there also said that not all reporters or journalists do work invetigasi.misalnya course, journalists who joined the press conference, thrusting type of recorder, and not ever receiving an envelope, of course can not be said to be the investigator.
Some reporters say that journalism job invetigasi is associated with efforts to dismantle, revealing what dirahasikan.Istilah "disassemble" or "reveal" such as what is meant? What term is also included to expose a sex scandal with his secretary boss? Then if the investigation also allows entry into one's personal space? And what is the difference between investigative reporting with in-depth reporting?
Goenawan Mohammad from Tempo magazine said the investigation into reporting as journalism "dismantle the evil." There is a crime that is usually closed-tutupi.Sebagai good journalist, he would try to attempting to learn the relevant documents and dismantle crime behind him.
Necessary to distinguish between invetigasi by a journalist or team of reporters invetigasi with media coverage of results invetigasi other party. For example, when media loading banner Society BJHabibie recorded conversations between the President by Attorney General Andi M. Ghalib in mid-February 1999. Part of the observation that it was investigating mengaatakan media reporting. Abdul Muis media law expert from Hasanuddin University considers that what the banner of Society including part of the investigative reporting. So that is ethically not to blame.
However, despite the courage banner in lowering the talks, from the facts, that the conduct invetigasi so getting the tape recorded conversations were not the media. But the banner was to get the tape from someone.

There are four characteristics that distinguish the coverage of the investigation with the model of journalistic coverage lainnya.yaitu:

Original Investigative reporting is not mere reportage coverage menghabungkan a number of field and data, but is the result of original research (original research) is done by a jurnalis.Orisinil here means not the result of an investigation of others who followed up by the media.
Regarding the matter of research results can be very mentah.Ia material from the interview may very wide, linking and comparing the facts and figures, find a pattern, or a relationship that previously unknown by the public.

Journalists engaged in intensive Often reporters or journalists suspicious of policy errors but had no proof, and it is difficult to find the source. So, he must gather evidence as much as possible. These conditions often require a long time than usual journalistic reports. In fact, investigative reporting project is often done by more than a reporter.

Dismantling Information Enclosed Reporters or journalists in doing journalistic work done with the daily routine. He reported the results of day to day coverage. But it is usually at a certain point, it stops the daily news report. Either because there is no new development, or indeed difficulty penetrating new data or facts. And when it stuck the daily coverage, the coverage of the investigation was begun. A journalist supposedly able to break through the veil and reveal the enclosed information. in investigative reporting, a journalist can not accept any form of secrecy, especially in the form of official rejection of public officials to give information. Task journalists investigas is find all the information, either directly with the target berkaian cool or not.

Public interest charged
Loads of public interest is very mempengaruhui whether an investigative reporting worthy or not dilakukan.subyek investigation of mutual interest that it makes sense to affect the social life of society.
Grounding the public interest is also the legitimacy for journalists to do the techniques of gathering certain information. Including such conduct undercover in order to obtain data or important information relating to the interests of society at large. In certain cases the work of this investigation is extremely dangerous, and often life-threatening or jurnalis.sebab a journalist, the journalist when in the field would have to deal with certain parties who are trying to hide this crime from the public.

Systematic investigation of the coverage is divided into two parts. The first section for the assessment and employment base. While the second part to perform sharpening and completion of investigations.
The first part of investigation work consists of:
initial instructions (first lead) preliminary investigation (initial investigation) hepotesis formation (forming an investigative hypothesis) Search and deepening of literature (literature search) interviewing experts and expert sources (interviewing experts) Scoping documents (finding a paper trail) interview key resources and the witnesses (and interviewing key informants and sources)
early clue: It can vary: obroral coffee shop, an anonymous letter, telopon dark and others.
Preliminary investigation: Seeing the initial instructions, a reporter will conduct a preliminary investigation through a series of interviews and research to know the description of the case. In this phase would appear the names of the subjects of investigation. And give an idea about the chronology of the case under drill. from here we can assign any resources that need to be interviewed will be pursued.
Formation of hypotheses: one that distinguishes between in-depth reporting with the presence or absence of investigative reporting in the laying these hypotheses. In the in-depth reporting, a journalist can go from zero or from sekedal reading newspaper clippings.
While investigative reporting within certain limits is a continuation phase of in-depth reporting. That is, when the reporter was already far more aware sat the real issue (after doing many interviews, reading stacks of documents, and visit places associated with the coverage), then at that moment, he wanted to conduct additional activities or not. This continued coverage is investigative. Dismantling evil, evil looking characters, and reconstructed their crimes.
Hepotesis usually in the form of a question or more. But not a few also be the premise of which are arranged in a statement.
Search and deepening of literature: It can be obtained from various lini.guntingan newspapers, and others. Search and deepening of the literature refers to the results of earlier investigations, krnologi, resource contacts, and others.
Interviewing experts and expert sources: Tugs expert or experts is to provide clarity on the subject under investigation. Therefore, be careful in choosing an expert. Because, experts are not appropriate, can actually make the subjects investigated have become blurred.
Scoping document: in this phase has begun pursed on stage "specialization". That is, the documents obtained are included in the category of special documents. Correlation between one document to another document is analyzed to look for a trend.
Interview key sources and witnesses
So the first part of investigative reporting techniques. In the second, relatively shorter work time because of the lag is less than half of investigative work. In the second part of this investigative work includes:
direct observation in the field (first hand observation) organizing files (organizing files) Further interviews (more interviews) Analysis and organization of data (analyzing organizing your data) writing (writing) checking facts (fact checking) checking defamation (libel check)

Direct observation in the field: direct observation in the field is useful to obtain detailed data at the same time ensure the correctness of documents.
organization of files: data-field observation data with data that had been obtained previously should be carefully organized and files. The goal is very useful to facilitate the documentation as well as make it easier to write.
Additional interviews: the nature of these interviews only add to the data holes, when the files have been organized in a careful and meticulous. This stage is usually specific only to the key sources and witnesses.
Analysis and organization of data: the essence of journalism is the ability to work discipline of verification. All data obtained should continue to check kesahihahnnya. If need be split, where the results of research, observation, interviews and more.
Writing: model-free writing. You may write denan writing model you like.
verify the facts: the completion of the writing does not mean the task is completed. Various data should be back in check and verification. Do not let things go wrong.
pengeceman libel: the threat to journalism is not just coming from the courts, but also come from individuals or groups who feel defamed.
Closing: good luck and good luck ....

Yours respectfully 
** Journalist Magazine GATRA.
email: coliz_212@yahoo.com / 081.330.100.291/0858.500.291] *

By: M. Nur Cholish Zaein .**

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