Senin, 25 Juli 2011




Atul Imro Mufidah CO2207029


Crime lately prevalent in our society both in the law enforcement officers, law enforcement and the ordinary people or small people. That can make us feel safe, comfortable, peaceful will live in this world. Criminality can grow because there are several kinds of reasons among which poverty, greed on the property commonly referred to corruption by the corrupt.
The law enforcement there is a back and forth to jail. Therefore, officials in the judiciary and make the convicted criminal punishment deterrent because they receive more weight than ever before with the Law of Repetition Crime (Residive) Repetition and the effects of Law Criminal Actions.

In this paper there is a formulation of the problem are:
1. Understanding of the repetition of criminal acts such
2. As a result of repeated criminal acts of law
3. Form of repetition, and
4. Repetition of violations
Which I will explain in chapter pmbahasan this paper.


1. Repetition Understanding Crime
In the Criminal Code provisions on Residive contained in Article 486-488 which is the basis of weighting down the criminal. What is meant by Residive or repetition of criminal acts is the power of someone who repeats the crime after the judge sentenced the decisions that have permanent legal force for the criminal acts he had done earlier.
As mentioned also the explanations of the Criminal Code, the Residive bahwasanaya between committing a criminal one with the other existing judgments or fonis.
According to Prof. Dr. Meister D Schaff, Prof.. Dr. N Keijzer and Mr.E.PH. Sutoris about Residive repetition of criminal acts or has in common with perbarengan, because in Residive done also some criminal act. Special from Residive ie after the offender was tried for committing a criminal act in question committed a crime again.
In the "Book of Lessons Criminal Law" authored by Lamintang, SH and Simons, discussion of residive / repetition of acts can be punished. It is one of the hardest problems in science and criminal law to the legislators, because an increasing number of repeat criminal offenses in many different countries has shown that the existing regulations today is not sufficient to protect the public against the development of gewoonte-criminalitet (crime habit).
According to Pompe in the book "Criminal Law II", expressing that the difference between the combined and the repetition that is in terms of repetition is one person who has made consecutive multiple criminal events, but in terms of a combination between the two events had been committed. Perpetrators are not convicted because the event does criminal law in the first between the two events.
Said that the brief opinion Residive occurs when the same people again realize an offense that is mediated by a court decision which had been convict maker offense.
Different Residive with Concursus namely:
 The act had been committed and has been done and found guilty by a judge.
 repeated criminal acts have not been convicted guilty by a judge.
Thus, understanding Residive it is someone who repeats the behavior after the crime was sentenced by the judge's decision and Residive itself if the perpetrator who commits the same offense is mediated by the verdict.

2. Due to Legal Actions Repetition
Whoever committed the crime which he imposed sentence, within a certain time he was caught again for another criminal act, shows a bad character. Although he was never convicted, but he did not make repairs to that person. It can be said he was stubborn, fixed on the wrong road. Therefore, the law gives leeway to the judges to give heavier sentences to him again.
Repetition of the crime became one of the reasons to aggravate the sentence. The reason is caused by one of them is that in the first sentence has been fully implemented but has not hinted that the prisoner / actors that still dare to repeat his actions again. But not necessarily criminal repeater which both showed a mentalitet evil deeds on the larger, but often it turns out the responsibility for the events that have been done was not as great as the responsibility for the events of the first criminal, criminal events are often the first to bring bad consequences for the perpetrator it again, that his name be polluted ugly, lost his job so difficult social circumstances, attempt to make a living in a social situation so often forced, the perpetrator of criminal conduct events for the second time.
Besides these reasons, found another reason to aggravate the punishment that is done again / repeated the crime incident was unusual because it was felt that the criminal acts.
The legal consequences of repeating the crime stipulated in Article 2 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code which reads: "Prison sentences should be imposed while forever 20 consecutive years in terms of welfare according to the choice of the judges themselves should be put to death, life imprisonment and imprisonment while and in 15 years plus a penalty because it exceeded due to a combination of crime or for repeatedly making the crime or because the rules of article 52 ".
In chapters 468-488 Criminal Code stated that the legal sanctions for the third repetition of criminal acts by these terms as follows:
a. Have undergone completely / partially imprisonment / punishment was abolished for him at all, or the right to run the sentence has not fallen because of the time too.
b. If a crime is not yet past 5 years since the penalty for a first offense.
Regarding the requirement that the first sentence served in full or in part should be in prison, because given a pardon / given a conditional release (waarde voor lijke invrij Heid Stelling), the prison sentence that has been assigned to live part of it.
Repetition period amounted to 5 years if a second offense is done, when after the lapse of five years after the defendant undergo a full / partial prison sentence imposed for a first offense, or he was released upon serving.
In the case of repetition of the stipulated penalty amount with him is as follows: The first sentence = 1 x 5 years, for the second sentence because the repetition becomes = (1 x 5) + (1 / 3 x 5) years = 11 years and 8 months in prison.
According to Barda Nawawi Arief residive argues that the issue needs to be reviewed specifically from the point of comparison because in the context of preparing a new Penal Code in Indonesia there is a tendency to make policy changes. The formulation has been formulated in terms of residive special rules that as an excuse for criminal offenses-weighting of certain offenses are scattered in Book II, the formulation of such policies will experience a change that is included in the general rules of Book I as an excuse criminal weighting of a general nature.
From a general overview residive familiar settings in various other countries of the Criminal Code was seen that there are countries that set them in a separate article with the special title (repented recidivism or crime) and some are set as one part of the reason for weighting down the criminal (ground for aggravating punishment) There are also other countries in addition to the usual set residive problems also regulate the shape of repetitions performed repeatedly (multi recidivism).

3. Various Various Forms of Repetition and Repetition Violation
A. Various Various Forms of Repetition
Forms of Repetition
In repetition we recognize three kinds of repetition, among others:
1). Repetition of common (generale residive)
General Residive or general repetition is an act if someone committed a crime, the crime has dropped a criminal and if after he is free to undergo criminal can commit a crime again is a form of crime of any kind, in this case can be used as a reason to aggravate the sentence.
Terms of General Residive, namely:
1. Repeating the same conduct or considered equal by the Act.
2. Between acts one after there has been a conviction.
3. Must be a prison sentence rather than a penalty.
4. No more than 5 years after the first act.
These conditions are contained in section 486-488 is commonly called Residive, of which the penalty plus a third that threatened punishment for each crime.
As a final note regarding Public Residive keep in mind that in connection with a grace period of punishment, there are several articles in the Penal Code that grace period is shorter than the sentence specified in section 486-488. The articles in question is 137 (2), 216 (3), 489 (2), 523 (2), 536 (2,3 and 4).
In these articles also mentioned or defined three groups. Offense-offense in each group of offenses that one does anymore is there are hundreds of judges or punishment, the three groups of the offense is:
 The crimes against property, and fraud (section 486) such as theft, embezzlement, and others.
 The crimes against the person (Article 487) for example: the persecution.
 crimes insult (Article 487)
By VOS prompted concern that Article 487 does not refer to Article 356 of the Criminal Code is a qualified (gekwali fi ceerde vorm) of the offense-offense listed in Articles 349 and 356 of the Criminal Code (abortion) but most of the grates, grates criminal law argued that the offense did -offense listed in Penal Code Article 349 and 356 after the holding penalty for one offense described in section 487 of the Criminal Code still might be one reason for the repetition. Under Article 86 of the Criminal Code trial (poging) or help (medeplich highcid) crimes mentioned in Articles 487-488 of the Criminal Code can be used as an excuse repetition.

2). Special Repetition (Specialle Residive)
Special Repetition (Specialle Residive), where the repetition is only repeated if it's some sort or a party or similar criminal acts for which he had imposed sentence, then in the sentencing rules needed Residive.
Special Residive deeds (Specialle Residive) must meet, among others:
 who repeated the same crime
 Between acts one after that has been found guilty.
 The offender committed as a livelihood.
 Repetition within a certain time.
a. 2 years stipulated in article 137, 144, 208, 216, 303, 615 and 321 of the Criminal Code.
b. 5 years provided for in article 155, 157, 161, 163, and 393 of the Criminal Code.
In terms of the four was confirmed that when the repetition count of the judge's decision is legally binding so it is not required if the type of criminal sentences imposed by judges and not also required if sanctions were already running or not in whole or in part.

3). Tussen stelsel
What is meant by Tussen stelsel is that if someone committed a crime, having been sentenced and decided to undergo free criminal, criminal act he repeated later again which is a particular class under the Act.
The types of crimes Tussen stelsel, among others:
 The crimes provided for in Article 486 in general about the objects and fraud.
 The crimes provided for in Article 487 in general wickedness of the people.
 The crimes provided for in Article 488 in general about the dignity of people.
Tussen stelsel terms, among others:
 The perpetrator remains committed a criminal act as provided in article 486, 487 and 488.
 Between acts one tired afterwards convicted.
 Criminal there must be criminal in prison.
 Repetition within a certain time.
- Not over 5 years
- Not running the offense through the first expiry date.
With the grace period means using Specialle Residive Resedive. But in the Penal Code also know the crimes that fall into certain categories (486-488), Indonesia is also taking Tussen stelsel.

B. Repetition of Infringement (Residive Violation)
As per the teachings Residive in violation of Book III can also be a Special Residive against certain violations. Several types of offenses when committed Residive may be the reason for the existence of criminal weighting, namely: 489, 492, 495, 512, 517, 544 and 530.
Requirements to Residive violation has been listed in each chapter are concerned. In general Residive violation requires the following:
1. Must already exist verdict.
2. Repeated violations which must be the same or similar to a previous violation.
3. The grace period
 Not to one year for violation of article 492, 495, 536 and 549.
 Not over two years for violation of article 512, 516, 517 and 530 of the Criminal Code.
Based not on what kind of criminal who had dropped earlier.
In the repetition of the violation as mentioned in article 488 that can also be an additional one-third of all the threatened punishment. So even jail sentences and fines can be coupled with a third.
In chapters 426 and 453 alone is known to a repetition of the meaning of the Act is if a chapter after breaking something, he commits another violation of the provisions of chapter something else. Moderate in article 439 and 471 all of which contain a formula more than an act can be punished, a sentencing for having one of the acts can be punished as stated in this formulation is adequate, within the legal sanctions of article 455 It is associated with a previous sentencing for violating Article 455 or has committed a crime as provided in 254. Within each chapter has its own set of consequences of penggulangannya. As the increase of the heaviest punishment. Replacement of the penalty with imprisonment, imposition of an additional penalty and also arranged independently of the expiration of a period of repetition.


Repetition of criminal acts (Residive) occur in someone who is committing a crime and been sentenced by a judge's decision which has permanent legal force, then committing a crime again. Just like in concursus relais, in residive occurred several felony. But in residive there has been a court decision that has been binding.
Residive is a reason that can aggravate punishment. For example, as provided for in article 12 of the Criminal Code that reason residive, imprisonment for up to 20 years may be decided, although in general the maximum imprisonment imposed for 15 years.
Residive not regulated in general in the Book I "General Rules", but arranged specifically for a particular group of crime either in the form of crime in Book I and Book II in violation. Thus, the Indonesian Criminal Code currently adopts a special residive, meaning that only criminal weighting imposed on certain types of criminal acts and performed in a certain period of time.


Lamintang, Simons. Lesson Book Criminal Law. New York: Pionis Jaya. 1981

Meister Schraff, Keijzer Sutori. Criminal Law. Bandung: Citra Adiya Bakti

Susilo R. Criminal Code. Bogor: Politer. 1988

Utrecht E. Criminal Law II. Surabaya: Pustaka Tinta Mas. 1987

Tresna R. Principles of Criminal Law. Yogyakarta: ubuntu. 1994

Hicongani. Sinerama Criminal Law. London: Liberty. 1984

Mawawi BARDA. Comparative Criminal Law. Jakarta: PT. King Grafindo Persada. 1990.

Projodikoro Wirjono. Principles of Criminal Law in Indonesia. New York: Refika Aditama. 2003

Farid Zainal Abidin. Criminal Law I. Jakarta: Sinar Grafika. 1995.

Bambang Purnomo. Principles of Criminal Law. Yogyakart: Ghalia Indonesia. 1993

Kamis, 07 April 2011


By: Prof. M. Dawam Rahardjo
     Imam Khomeini, was born in the town of Khomein-Central, Iran in 1902, and has lived and was educated in Najaf, Iraq for 14 years, but graduated from high in the holy city of Qom in the field of theology and Islamic law (fiqh) - get a view of history as the leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution spectacular. In terms of what we know in Indonesia, he bears the title "Great Leader of the Revolution" and at the same time "Ratu Adil". Because its primary mission, as in waiting for it, is to uphold justice. He himself belongs to the categories "fair judge" (just jurists), or jurists who according to his own words is a "fortress of Islam." In the context of the revolution that is in the process in the late '80s, Imam Khomeini called for the jurists, experts in Islamic law, "considering the situation the country as the merchants keep the market, but with prudence." He himself has written a book that is very sharp criticism against the regime of Pahlavi Dynasty and the conditions in Iran in the 1940s, in his book "Kasyful Asrar" ("Unlocking Secrets", which is an unconscious state of society generally). Shia itself is a sect which continued the tradition in medieval Mu'tazilite who calls himself the "peoples of Tawheed wa al adl", monotheism and justice experts. In those words, monotheism and justice are two sides of same coin. Justice comes from unity and monotheism which is the human relationship with their Lord (Allah al hablun min) manifested in justice in relations among humans (habun min al unlucky).
Noting the state of the country signaled for the jurists involved are responsible in taking care of the problem of state and government. In Shia Islamic doctrine, the public was led by priests, especially the Imam of 12. The last Imam has disappeared, but he will return as the Imam Mahdi. But during the Priest's supernatural, the clergy, the jurists should take over leadership. Thus, contemporary leadership, namely the jurists, is a vice or a caliph of the priests who have supernatural. On the basis of that trust, then the Imam Khomeini created the concept of 'House of al-Faqih "which became guard (guardian) of Islamic law. The concept of charisma is what led to the jurists who are represented by Imam Khomeini. Presumably Imam Khomeini realized that kind of leadership, that leadership can be lost after he died. Therefore, the charisma that dilembagakannya kemimpinan or Imamate in the region of al-Faqih concept, so the priesthood was to be continued from time to time. Meanwhile kefuqahaan dibibitkan and developed it through hauzah-jurists, namely education and research institutions, as there are and concentrate on the holy city of Qom Iran or Iraq Najef, where the Imam Khomeini himself was educated and raised.
According to Imam Khomeini, the jurists are not only experts in the field of Islamic law, or just a spiritual leader. Fuqaha the plenary should also expert d other areas, such as philosophy, political, social and economic. Ayatollah Rafsanjani, for example, is also a brilliant economist. Similarly large commentators Tabataba'i scholars who wrote books on Islamic economic system. While Ayatollah Murtadha Mutahhari is also ahili history, sociologist and social philosopher who is very prolific writing of books in various fields and has been widely translated and published in Indonesia.
In line with that thinking, the Imam Khomeini strongly opposed to secularism that separates religion from the state or political. This view is not purely normative, but also empirically, as shown in the Iranian revolutionary movement. In his own explanation:
Islamic doctrine is applied in the life kemesyarakatan, patriotism administration of justice and opposition to tyranny and dispotisme. Reminiscent of adherents to Islam are not subject to foreign rule. This is why the imperialists eager distracting people by drawing the line between between religion and government and politics.
For him, religious or legal experts (jurists) have dharma (duty) to enforce the laws of God which in essence is a mission run by states and governments fair. Opposed the regime of the Shah dynasty in Iran, various groups have tried, including a group of socialist or Marxist and nationalist group last chaired by the legendary leader who dared to oppose U.S. imperialism, Mosaddeq. But all have failed. After that, the religion is the only opposition voices that can be heard. Since 1964, Imam Khomeini was the only figure capable of presenting the concept of opposition in ideological systematically different or a new alternative. Ideology that didasarkannya on a theological concept called the Territory of al-Faqih who opposed the traditional leadership that is highly anticipated system.
Imam Khomeini did occupy a dominant position as leaders charismatic, to borrow Weber's concept is different from traditional leadership on the one hand and democratic leadership on the other. But actually he was not alone in spreading the seeds of revolution. In essence there are two groups of leaders who accumulates the Iranian Islamic revolution. First is a group of scholars or jurists and philosophers. In addition to Khomeini, a leading ayatollahs also-other ayatollahs, such as Morteza Muttahari, Madari Ayatollah, Ayatollah Ayatollah Ni'matullah Salihi and Talegani to take a leading part. Muttahari many kesejaharan and social approach, while the three other ayatollahs have different concepts about the area of ​​al-Faqih in relation to democracy. Second, is a group of enlightened intellectuals, represented by Ali, Dr. Mehdi Bazargan and Bani Sadr. Ali himself opposed the concept of domination of the jurists, since for him the jurists may not be able to understand Islam properly, even in the past has a lot to make mistakes that lead to deterioration of Islam. They are not necessarily superior to ruqyah, especially in modern society. Ali is more likely in the leadership of what he calls enlightened intellectuals (rausan Fikr). Rausan Fikr But this is not only derived from public intellectuals, but also can come from the cleric, Ayatollah Muttahari example of a social philosopher who not only mastered theology but also philosophy and social sciences and history.
Ayatollah Khomeini's hold on the concept of sovereignty of God and regard the Qur'an as the constitution of Islam, and therefore he argued that the state does not require parliament as the legislative body that make up the Act. To him the people that already have a basic law, namely the Qur'an which is supported by the Sunna. But this does not mean that parliament is not required. Parliament is required, but to create implementing regulations or the organic law to give the task to the executive. But the holder of executive power should be also the jurists.
That is the formal concept of Ayatollah Khomeini. But in its implementation, Imam Khomeini also accommodate different views of Ali's. The proof he chose Dr. Mehdi Bazargan as Prime Minister of the Provisional Government formed during transsi. He then blessed the Bani Sadr economic scholar who is prone to socialist upbringing Paris as the first Iranian president nyang, although later he overthrew his own. People of other scholars are also other notable example is Godzabeg and Dr Sadeq. Ebrahim Yazdi In reality now, although its president is a cleric or ayatollahs, but the representatives and ministers in the cabinet is a Western trained Muslim scholars.
The main work of Ayatollah Khomeini was the Islamic Revolution of Iran itself. He leads Revolution itself quite spectacular because the first, managed to overthrow the despotic regime of Shah Pahlavi who at that time was very strong, supported by armed forces which number five strongest in the world of its time, thanks to oil wealth and modernization program. Second, the revolution was able to repel the U.S. invaders, a world superpower is greatly feared by other nations in the world.
But apart from that the Islamic Revolution of Iran has a number of features that are not owned by Revolisi American, French Revolution, Russian Revolution or the Chinese Revolution in the East. International political scientist Richard Falk, who is also a leading researcher konfik and peace (Peace and Conflict Research) suggests three characteristics of the Iranian Islamic Revolution of 1979 was as follows:
1. Relative did not use violence, such as the Prophet conquered Mecca, and unlike other revolutions were bloody.
2. Not modeled other revolutions in the West and East.
3. Religious nature that combines politics and religion as well as religion and nationalism in the modern age.
Iran's Islamic Revolution led by Imam Khomeini was a typical religious nature that takes its inspiration from Islamic teachings that oppose tyranny. But Iran's Islamic Revolution that also contain universal values. The outlines of the runway of Imam Khomeini's thoughts, according to Abdullah Yusuf Puar that Sunnis are as follows:
1. Enforcing the independence on the basis of a pure Islamic teachings.
2. Elements of the people must be strong in the government.
3. Wealth is distributed evenly across the country to achieve social justice.
4. Doing cultural liberation from foreign influence.
5. Wealth in society is used for public purposes.
By definition it appears that Iran's Islamic Revolution has parallels with the Indonesian Revolution which bases itself on the principles of Democracy and Socio-Socio-Nalionalisme, while Iran's democracy is not just a political democracy, but also economic democracy, which refers to social justice. The mission was actually carried by Region al Faqih.
By Region al Faqih concept that Imam Khomeini often referred to as the fundamentalists. Indeed there is truth, because he wanted to actualize the Prophet governance models and the Caliphate of Imam Ali ra. But instead, he wanted to actualize the concept of Imamate in Shi'a tradition in a modern context. It's just that he believes the leadership that the jurists and not to the Western educated intellectuals (at least in theory). The concept of his state is actually a theocracy, which is different from the concept of theo-democracy ever proposed by Mohammad Natsir and championed by the party Masyumi from Indonesia.
But his ideas were different from the idea of ​​Sunni fundamentalists who wanted to establish Islamic caliphate on earth. The principle of the caliphate that contain four principles, namely:
Principle 1: Sovereignty in the hands of God.
Principle 2: The Authority is in the hands of Muslims
Principle 3: There is only one Caliph.
Principle 4: Caliph run Law and the Law (of Islam).
Concept Area al-Faqih also bases itself on the principle of the sovereignty of God. He it is Who created the law for man, not man created for himself as the legal systems of Western democracies. But the authority held by the group, so it is a collective authority, berdeda with the concept of an autocratic Sunni caliphate. Imam Khomeini actually admire the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, namely the concept of philosopher king. It's just according to his interpretation, it is the philosopher jurists collectively. Actually ayatollahs like Tabataba'i, Mutahhari and Khomeini can be categorized as ideal philosopher. Meanwhile, according to Ali, the leadership was held by Fikr rausan, enlightened scholars from both public education and jurists.
Today, the jurists walaun retain ultimate sovereignty in the area of ​​al-Faqih agencies, but executed through a democratic political system, with key indicators, the general election, both for body and president lagislatif. Democratic system is characterized also by the existence of various groups with schools of different. First flow of conservative fundamentalists, represented by Ayatollah Khamenei, the main disciple of ayatollahs Khomeini himself. Second, moderate and pragmatic fudamentalis flow represented by Ayatollah Rafsanjani, who had served as prime minister of Iran. The third is the flow of liberal reformers who once represented by Dr. Mehdi Bazargan who had served as prime minister of Iran Imam Khomeini show directly. Deputy who is now (2005) is a successful Ayatollah Khatami was elected President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
On his way, indeed there have been changes that previously seemed monolithic, now menjad more pluralist. Even the Marxist faction had played an important role, once known as the Tudeh Party (Communist Party of Iran) and now the group Mujahedeen Khalk long had a tradition of opposition and liberation movements in Iran. At the beginning of the revolution, women are still mengalam discrimination, for example, should not be a judge let alone head of state. Now (2005), one of Khatami's vice president of the Iranian leader is a woman.
What is interesting from the Islamic Republic of Iran is the commitment of state and government in implementing Islamic law but at the same time also trying to find forms of democracy in government or in the political system. In economic systems, Iran's attempt to apply the principles in berekonomi syar'ah. Secagai example of the Iranian government is totally convert the system of conventional banks into Islamic banks or bank fully Shari'ah. The Iranian government also sought to establish trade relations especially with Muslim countries.
In the system of state and government, Iran model "ideologization of religion" to form a religious ideology. According to Geiger, the ideology is "a system of ideas about social reality, which articulated with internal konsustensi and logically elaborated on the basis of initial assumptions to form a written corpus, freedom of thought people who can be a reference and can be the basis of interpretation, comments and indoktrinas . In this, Islam by Ali Merad ideologsasi means "merumusklan Islamic content in the form of norms and values ​​regarding tatatan sosal-politics". The problem is who can write the concept of ideology. According to Khomeini, who are able are the jurists. But whether they are able to work alone without the help of modern intellectuals? Because it will inevitably Wilayatul Faqih concept according to Imam Khomeini had to have revision.
Khomeini's views were actually preceded by earlier scholars, such as Mulla Ahmad Naraqu (d. 1629) and Shaikh Muhammad Hussain Naimi (d. 1936), two figures who have the same views on the prerogative of Jurists in the fields of politics, neither control develop a central theme of political theory. For those of Imam Khomeini, the Jurists have to hold power, replacing the king or ruler, although technical problems can be handed to the experts, but the highest authority in the field of socio-politics must remain in the hands of a just faqih.
In view of Iran today, the Islamic government is the government of the people to hold on to God's law, where the supreme head of government must be held a faqih, an expert in the field of Islamic law to be implemented by the government. In the governance model of Shia Islam, the clergy occupied the position, both as the guardian (guardian or guardians), interpreter (interpreter) or executor (executor) God's laws. Therefore the government so it is a true and fair government. Pemerntahan Islam must act in accordance with the shari'ah. The terms of these assumptions can only be met by the faqih. Kerenanya the faqih is a figure who is considered the most ready to govern society.
The value of leadership power in the nature and essence according Wilayatul Faqih concept by Iman Khomeini, although in practice it turns out modification. General elections in determining who is ultimately elected president and legislators. Islamic government is a constitutional government with the Qur'an and Hadith. As the constitution.
However, not all the ayatollahs approved the concept. For example, Ayatollah Ni'matullah Najasafabagi Salihi. For him the nature of the juridical area should be a social contract (social contract) between the people and the faqih who is trusted by the people. In order to involve people with interests and role of the powerful institutions of law, he tried mamadukan modern concepts such as "majority rule", "social contract", and "representation" with the principles of Islamic government.
The purpose of Imam Khomeini in the region of al-Faqih concept is social justice, equitable distribution of wealth, a productive economy that is based on national strength and a simple lifestyle and based on the conception that would reduce the large gaps between rich and poor and between the ruling and governed. Imam Khomeni indeed have more confidence to the jurists in the lead the government, but he also stressed that the Islamic Republic, the government should be responsible to the people, through the mechanism of elections and the legislature.
The current Iranian government is basing itself on the concept of al-Faqih Area offered by Imam Khomeini. In reality the government and political systems of contemporary Iran continued to seek a form that presumably is influenced by the flow of currents of thought, not only contain the differences between the clergy and intellectuals, but also differences among the mullahs themselves. Ayatollah Khamanei eg different views with the views of Ayatollah Khatami's liberal and progressive, in addition to the difference between the Imam Khomeini by Dr. Ali in the past.
Imam Khomeini's will still be remembered as the Great Leader of the Revolution, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Mr. Sang Ratu Adil, but not all of the opinion seems to be followed fully and dogmatically, even by the mullahs themselves who turned out to have many different views. Shia Iran's Islamic society is a pluralistic society with diverse streams of thought, religious and since from the fundamentalist and conservative to a liberal or Marxist. And in fact, Islam in Iran could accept the influence of the modern streams, including Marxist, as shown by Ali, even though the term "Islamic-Marxist" who was ejected as "liberation theology of Latin America", is regarded as an absurd by Imam Khomeini. [Source:]


Oleh: Prof.Dr. M. Dawam Rahardjo
Imam Khomeini, -lahir di kota Khomein Tengah, Iran pada tahun 1902, dan pernah tinggal dan menjalani pendidikan di Najaf, Iraq selama 14 tahun, tapi menyelesaikan pendidikan tingginya di kota suci Qom di bidang teologi dan hukum Islam (fiqih)- memperoleh gambaran sejarah sebagai pemimpin Revolusi Islam Iran yang spektakuler. Dalam istilah yang kita kenal di Indonesia, ia menyandang gelar “Pemimpin Besar Revolusi” dan sekaligus “Ratu Adil”. Sebab misi utamanya, sebagaimana yang di tunggu-tunggu itu, adalah menegakkan keadilan. Ia sendiri termasuk ke dalam ketegori “hakim yang adil” (just jurist), atau fuqaha yang menurut kata-katanya sendiri adalah “benteng Islam”. Dalam konteks revolusi yang sedang dalam proses di akhir dasawarsa ’80-an, Imam Khomeini menyerukan agar kaum fuqaha, para ahli hukum Islam, “memperhatikan keadaan negara sebagaimana kaum saudagar menjaga pasar, tapi dengan kehati-hatian”. Ia sendiri telah menulis sebuah buku kritik yang sangat tajam terhadap rezim Dinasti Pahlevi dan kondisi di Iran pada tahun 1940-an, dalam bukunya “Kasyful Asrar” (“Menyingkap Rahasia”, yaitu keadaan yang tidak disadari masyarakat umumnya). Shiah sendiri adalah suatu mazhab yang meneruskan tradisi Mu’tazilah di abad pertengahan yang menyebut dirinya sebagai “ahlul tauhid wa al adl”, ahli tauhid dan keadilan. Dalam kata-kata itu, tauhid dan keadilan adalah dua sisi dari mata uang yang sama. Keadilan bersumber dari tauhid dan tauhid yang merupakan hubungan manusia dengan Tuhannya (hablun min al Allah) diwujudkan dalam keadilan dalam hubungan antar sesama manusia (habun min al naas).
Memperhatikan keadaan negara mengisyaratkan agar kaum fuqaha ikut bertanggung-jawab dalam mengurus masalah negara dan pemerintahan. Dalam doktrin Islam Shiah, masyarakat itu dipimpin oleh para imam, khususnya Imam yang 12. Imam yang terakhir telah menghilang, tetapi ia akan kembali sebagai Imam Mahdi. Tapi selama Sang Imam ghaib itu, kaum ulama, kaum fuqaha harus tampil mengambil alih kepemimpinan. Dengan demikian, kepemimpinan kontemporer, yaitu kaum fuqaha, adalah wakil atau khalifah dari para imam yang ghaib. Atas dasar kepercayaan itu, maka Imam Khomeini menciptakan konsep “Wilayah al-Faqih” yang menjadi garda (guardian) terhadap hukum Islam. Konsep inilah yang menimbulkan kharisma terhadap kaum fuqaha yang diwakili oleh Imam Khomeini. Agaknya Imam Khomeini menyadari kepemimpinan semacam itu, yaitu kepemimpinan itu bisa hilang setelah ia meninggal. Karena itu, maka kharisma kemimpinan atau Imamah itu dilembagakannya dalam konsep Wilayah al-Faqih, sehingga keimaman itu dapat dilanjutkan dari waktu ke waktu. Sementara itu kefuqahaan itu dibibitkan dan dikembangkan melalui hauzah-fuqaha, yaitu lembaga pendidikan dan penelitian sebagaimana terdapat dan berkonsentrasi di kota suci Qom Iran atau Najef Iraq, di mana Imam Khomeini sendiri dididik dan dibesarkan.
Menurut Imam Khomeini, fuqaha bukan hanya ahli di bidang hukum Islam atau hanya merupakan tokoh spriritual. Fuqaha yang paripurna harus juga ahli d bidang-bidang lain, misalnya filsafat, politik, sosial dan ekonomi. Ayatullah Rafsanjani umpamanya, adalah juga seorang ahli ekonomi yang piawai. Demikian pula ulama ahli tafsir besar Tabataba’i yang menulis buku mengenai sistem ekonomi Islam. Sedangkan Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari adalah juga ahili sejarah, ahli sosiologi dan filsuf sosial yang sangat produktif menulis buku di berbagai bidang dan sudah banyak diterjemahkan dan diterbitkan di Indonesia.
Sejalan dengan pemikiran itu, maka Imam Khomeini sangat menentang sekularisme yang memisahkan agama dari negara atau politik. Pandangan ini tidak semata-mata bersifat normatif, tetapi juga empiris, sebagaimana diperlihatkan dalam gerakan revolusioner Iran. Dalam penjelasannya sendiri:
Doktrin Islam diterapkan dalam kehidupan kemesyarakatan, patriotisme adminstrasi keadilan dan penentangan terhadap tirani dan dispotisme. Islam mengingatkan kepada pemeluknya untuk tidak tunduk kepada kekuasaan asing. Inilah sebabnya, mengapa kaum imperialis merusaha mengacaukan pikiran rakyat dengan menarik garis pemisah antara antara agama dan pemerintahan dan politik.
Baginya, ulama atau ahli hukum (fuqaha) memiliki dharma (kewajiban) untuk menegakkan hukum-hukum Tuhan yang intinya adalah sebuah misi yang dijalankan oleh negara dan pemerintahan yang adil. Dalam menentang rezim dinasti Syah Iran, berbagai kelompok telah mencobanya, termasuk kelompok sosialis atau Marxis dan terakhir kelompok nasionalis yang dipimpin oleh pemimpin legendaris yang berani menentang imperialisme AS, Mosaddeq. Tapi kesemuanya telah gagal. Setelah itu, maka agama adalah satu-satunya suara oposisi yang mampu didengarkan. Sejak tahun 1964, Imam Khomeini adalah satu-satunya tokoh yang mampu menyajikan konsep oposisi dalam ideologi yang secara sistematik berbeda atau merupakan alternatif baru. Ideologinya itu didasarkannya pada suatu konsep teologi yang disebut Wilayah al-Faqih yang menentang kepemimpinan tradisional yaitu sistem dinanti.
Imam Khomeini memang menduduki posisi yang dominan sebagai pemipin kharismatis, meminjam konsep Weber yang berbeda dengan kepemimpinan tradisional di satu pihak dan kepemimpinan demokratis di lain pihak. Tapi sebenarnya ia tidak sendirian dalam menyebarkan bibit revolusi. Pada pokoknya ada dua kelompok pemimpin yang mengakumulasi proses revolusi Islam Iran. Pertama adalah kelompok ulama atau fukaha dan filsuf. Selain Khomeini, terkemuka juga ayatullah-ayatullah lain, seperti Morteza Muttahari, Ayatullah Madari, Ayatullah Ni’matullah Salihi dan Ayatullah Talegani untuk mengambil sebagian yang terkemuka. Muttahari banyak melakukan pendekatan kesejaharan dan kemasyarakatan, sedangkan ketiga ayatullah lainnya punya konsep yang berbeda tentang Wilayah al-Faqih dalam kaitannya dengan demokrasi. Kedua, adalah kelompok cendekiawan yang tercerahkan yang diwakili oleh Ali Syari’ati, Dr. Mehdi Bazargan dan Bani Sadr. Ali Syari’ati sendiri menentang konsep dominasi kaum fuqaha, sebab baginya kaum fuqaha belum tentu bisa memahami ajaran Islam dengan baik, bahkan di masa lalu telah banyak membuat kesalahan yang menyebabkan kemunduran Islam. Mereka belum tentu juga lebih unggul akhlaknya, apalagi dalam masyarakat modern. Ali Syari’ati lebih cenderung pada kepemimpinan apa yang disebutnya cendekiawan yang tercerahkan (rausan fikr). Tapi rausan fikr ini bukan hanya berasal dari cendekiawan umum, melainkan juga dapat berasal dari ulama, sebagai contohnya Ayatullah Muttahari yang seorang filsuf sosial yang tidak saja menguasai teologi tetapi juga filsafat dan ilmu-ilmu sosial dan sejarah.
Ayatullah Khomeini berpegang pada konsep Kedaulatan Tuhan dan memandang al-Qur’an sebagai konstitusi Islam, dan karena itu ia berpendapat bahwa negara tidak memerlukan parlemen sebagai badan legislatif yang menyusun UU. Baginya rakyat itu sudah punya UU dasar, yaitu al Qur’an yang didukung oleh Sunnah. Tapi ini bukan berarti parlemen tidak diperlukan. Parlemen diperlukan, tapi untuk menciptakan peraturan-peraturan pelaksanaan atau UU organik guna memberikan tugas kepada eksekutif. Namun pemegang kekuasaan eksekutif harus juga kaum fuqaha.
Itulah konsep formal Ayatullah Khomeini. Tapi dalam pelaksanannya, Imam Khomeini juga mengakomodasi pandangan Ali Syari’ati yang berbeda itu. Buktinya ia memilih Dr. Mehdi Bazargan sebagai Perdana Menteri Pemerintahan Sementara yang dibentuknya pada masa transsi. Ia kemudian merestui Bani Sadr sarjana ekonomi didikan Paris yang berkecenderungan sosialis sebagai Presiden Iran nyang pertama, walaupun kemudian digulingkannya sendiri. Tokoh cendekiawan lain yang juga terkemuka lainnya misalnya adalah Sadeq Godzabeg dan Dr. Ebrahim Yazdi Dalam kenyataannya sekarang, walaupun presidennya adalah ulama atau ayatullah, namun para wakil dan menteri-menteri dalam kabinet adalah para cendekiawan Muslim didikan Barat.
Karya utama Ayatullah Khomeini adalah Revolusi Islam Iran itu sendiri. Revolusi yang dipimpinnya itu sendiri cukup spektakuler karena pertama, berhasil menggulingkan rezim despotik Syah Pahlevi yang pada waktu itu sangat kuat yang didukung oleh angkatan bersenjata yang nomer lima terkuat di dunia pada masanya, berkat kekayaan minyak bumi dan program modernisasi. Kedua, revolusi itu mampu mengusir penjajah AS, sebuah negara adidaya dunia yang sangat ditakuti oleh bangsa-bangsa lain di dunia.
Tapi lepas dari itu Revolusi Islam Iran memiliki sejumlah keistimewaan yang tidak dimiliki oleh Revolisi Amerika, Revolusi Prancis, Revolusi Rusia ataupun Revolusi Cina di Timur. Ahli ilmu politik internasional terkemuka Richard Falk yang juga peneliti konfik dan perdamaian (Peace and Conflict Research) menengarai tiga karakteristik Revolusi Islam Iran tahun 1979 itu yaitu:
1. Relatif tidak mempergunakan kekerasan, seperti ketika Nabi saw menaklukkan Mekah, dan tidak seperti revolusi-revolusi lain yang berdarah-darah itu.
2. Tidak meniru model revolusi-revolusi lain di Barat maupun Timur.
3. Bersifat keagamaan yang menggabungkan politik dan agama serta agama dan nasionalisme pada abad modern.
Revolusi Islam Iran yang dipimpin oleh Imam Khomeini memang khas bersifat keagamaan yang mengambil inspirasinya dari ajaran Islam yang menentang tirani. Namun Revolusi Islam Iran itu juga mengandung nilai-nilai yang universal. Garis-garis besar landasan Pemikiran Imam Khomeini itu, menurut Jusuf Abdulah Puar yang beraliran Sunni adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Menegakkan kemerdekaan atas dasar ajaran Islam yang murni.
2. Unsur rakyat harus kuat dalam pemerintahan.
3. Kekayaan negara didistribusikan secara merata guna mencapai keadilan sosial.
4. Melakukan pembebasan kebudayaan dari pengaruh asing.
5. Kekayaan dalam masyarakat dipergunakan untuk kepentingan umum.
Dengan rumusan itu nampak bahwa Revolusi Islam Iran memiliki kesejajaran dengan Revolusi Indonesia yang mendasarkan diri pada prinsip Sosio-Demokrasi dan Sosio-Nalionalisme, sedangkan demokrasi Iran juga bukan hanya demokrasi politik, tetapi juga demokrasi ekonomi yang mengacu kepada keadilan sosial. Misi itulah yang sebenarnya diemban oleh Wilayah al Faqih.
Dengan konsep Wilayah al Faqih itu Imam Khomeini sering disebut sebagai kaum fundamentalis. Memang ada benarnya, karena ia ingin mengaktualisasikan model pemerintahan Nabi Muhammad saw dan kekhalifahan Imam Ali ra. Tapi sebaliknya, ia ingin mengaktualisasikan konsep Imamah dalam tradisi Shiah itu dalam konteks modern. Hanya saja ia percaya kepada kepemimpinan kaum fuqaha dan tidak kepada kaum cendekiawan didikan Barat (setidak-tidaknya dalam teori). Konsep kenegaraannya sebenarnya adalah teokrasi, yang berbeda dengan konsep theo-demokrasi yang pernah diusulkan oleh Mohammad Natsir dan diperjuangkan oleh partai Masyumi dari Indonesia.
Tapi gagasannya itu berbeda dengan gagasan kaum fundamentalis Sunni yang ingin menegakkan kekhalifahan Islam di bumi. Prinsip kekhalifaan itu mengandung empat prinsip, yaitu:
Prinsip 1 : Kedaulatan di tangan Tuhan.
Prinsip 2 : Otoritas berada di tangan kaum Muslim
Prinsip 3 : Hanya ada satu Khalifah.
Prinsip 4 : Khalifah menjalankan UU dan Hukum (Islam).
Konsep Wilayah al-Faqih juga mendasarkan diri pada prinsip kedaulatan Tuhan. Dia-lah yang menciptakan hukum bagi manusia, bukan manusia menciptakan hukum untuk dirinya sendiri seperti sistem demokrasi Barat. Namun otoritas dipegang oleh kelompok, jadi merupakan otoritas kolektif, berdeda dengan konsep khilafah Sunni yang otokratis. Imam Khomeini sebenarnya mengagumi filsafat Plato dan Aristoteles, yaitu konsep philosopher king. Hanya saja menurut tafsirannya, philosopher itu adalah para fuqaha secara kolektif. Sebenarnya ayatullah seperti Tabataba’i, Mutahhari dan Khomeini dapat dikategorikan sebagai philosopher yang ideal. Sedangkan menurut Ali Syari’ati, kepemimpinan itu dipegang oleh rausan fikr, cendekiawan yang tercerahkan baik yang berasal dari pendidikan umum maupun fuqaha.
Dewasa ini, walaun kaum fuqaha tetap memegang kedaulatan tertinggi dalam lembaga Wilayah al-Faqih, namun sistem politiknya dijalankan melalui demokrasi, dengan indikator utama, adanya pemilihan umum, baik untuk badan lagislatif maupun presiden. Sistem demokrasi itu ditandai pula oleh adanya berbagai kelompok dengan aliran-aliran yang berbeda-beda. Pertama aliran fundamentalis konservatif yang diwakili oleh Ayatullah Khamenei, murid utama ayatullah Khomeini sendiri. Kedua, aliran fudamentalis moderat dan pragmatis yang diwakili oleh Ayatullah Rafsanjani yang pernah menjabat sebagai PM Iran. Ketiga adalah aliran reformis liberal yang dulu diwakili oleh Dr. Mehdi Bazargan yang pernah menjabat sebagai PM Iran tunjukan Imam Khomeini langsung. Wakil yang sekarang (2005) adalah Ayatullah Khatami yang berhasil dipilih menjadi Presiden Republik Islam Iran.
Dalam perjalanannya, memang telah terjadi perubahan-perubahan yang tadinya seolah-olah monolitis, sekarang menjad lebih pluralis. Bahkan golongan Marxis pun memainkan peranan penting, yang dulu dikenal sebagai Partai Tudeh (Partai Komunis Iran) dan sekarang kelompok Mujahidin Khalk yang lama memiliki tradisi oposisi dan gerakan pembebasan Iran. Di awal revolusi, kaum perempuan masih mengalam diskriminasi, misalnya tidak boleh menjadi hakim apalagi pimpinan negara. Sekarang (2005), salah seorang wakil presiden Iran pimpinan Khatami adalah seorang perempuan.
Yang menarik dari Republik Islam Iran adalah komitmen negara dan pemerintah dalam menjalankan syari’at Islam tetapi sekaligus juga berusaha mencari bentuk demokrasi dalam pemerintahan maupun dalam sistem politik. Dalam sistem ekonomi, Iran berusaha untuk menerapkan prinsip-prinsip syar’ah dalam berekonomi. Secagai contoh pemerintah Iran secara total mengkonversi sistem bank konvensional menjadi sepenuhnya bank Islam atau bank syari’ah. Pemerintah Iran juga berusaha untuk menjalin hubungan dagang terutama dengan negara-negara Muslim.
Dalam sistem negara dan pemerintahan, Iran melakukan model “ideologization of religion” untuk membentuk suatu religious ideology. Menurut Geiger, ideologi adalah ”suatu sistem gagasan tentang realitas sosial, yang diartikulasikan dengan konsustensi internal dan dielaborasi secara logis atas dasar asumsi-asumsi awal sehingga membentuk korpus tertulis, bebas dari pemikiran orang yang dapat dijadikan rujukan dan dapat menjadi dasar penafsiran, komentar dan indoktrinas. Dalam ini, ideologsasi Islam menurut Ali Merad berarti“ merumusklan kandungan Islam dalam bentuk norma dan nilai mengenai tatatan sosal-politik”. Masalahnya adalah siapa yang bisa menulis konsep ideologi itu. Menurut Khomeini, yang mampu adalah para fuqaha. Tetapi apakah mereka mampu bekerja sendirian tanpa bantuan kaum cendekiawan modern? Karena itu maka mau tidak mau konsep Wilayatul Faqih menurut Imam Khomeini itu harus mengalami revisi.
Pandangan Khomeini itu sebenarnya sudah didahului oleh ulama-ulama sebelumnya, misalnya Mulla Ahmad Naraqu (wafat tahun 1629) dan Syaikh Muhammad Husain Naimi (wafat tahun 1936) dua tokoh yang memiliki pandangan yang sama mengenai hak prerogatif kaum fukaha di bidang politik, kendali keduanya tidak mengembangkan suatu tema sentral teori politik. Bagi Imam Khomeini, kaum fukaha harus memegang kekuasaan, menggantikan para raja atau penguasa, kendati masalah-masalah teknis bisa diserahkan pada para ahlinya, namun pemegang kekuasaan tertinggi di bidang sosia-politik harus tetap berada di tangan para faqih yang adil.
Dalam pandangan Iran sekarang, pemerintahan Islam adalah pemerintahan rakyat dengan berpegang pada hukum Tuhan, di mana kepala pemerintahan tertinggi harus dipegang seorang faqih, yang ahli di bidang hukum Islam yang harus dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah. Dalam pemerintahan Islam model Shiah, kaum ulama menduduki posisi, baik sebagai pengawal (guardian atau wali), penafsir (interpreter) maupun pelaksana (executor) hukum-hukum Tuhan. Oleh sebab itu maka pemerintahan yang demikian itu merupakan pemerintahan yang benar dan adil. Pemerntahan Islam harus bertindak sesuai dengan syari’at. Syarat-syarat tersebut asumsinya hanya bisa dipenuhi oleh para faqih. Kerenanya para faqih adalah figur yang dianggap paling siap memerintah masyarakat.
Nilai kepemimpinan kekuasaan pada hakekat dan intinya sesuai konsep Wilayatul Faqih menurut Iman Khomeini, walaupun dalam pelaksanaannya ternyata mengalami modifikasi. Pemilihan umum ikut menentukan siapa yang akhirnya dipilih menjadi presiden dan anggota legislatif. Pemerintahan Islam adalah pemerintahan yang konstitusional dengan al Qur’an dan Hadist. Sebagai konstitusinya.
Namun demikian, tidak semua ayatullah menyetujui konsep itu. Misalnya saja Ayatullah Ni’matullah Salihi Najasafabagi. Baginya sifat yuridis Wilayah haruslah merupakan kontrak sosial (social contract) antara rakyat dan faqih yang dipercaya oleh rakyat. Dalam rangka melibatkan kepentingan dan peranan rakyat dengan lembaga pemegang kekuasaan hukum, ia berusaha mamadukan konsep-konsep modern seperti “pemerintahan mayoritas”, “kontrak sosial”, dan “perwakilan” dengan prinsip-prinsip pemerintahan Islam.
Tujuan Imam Khomeini dalam konsep Wilayah al-Faqih adalah menuntut keadilan sosial, pembagian kekayaan yang adil, ekonomi yang produktif yang berdasar kepada kekuatan nasional dan gaya hidup yang sederhana serta berdasarkan konsepsi yang akan mengurangi jurang perbedaan antara yang kaya dan miskin dan antara yang memerintah dan diperintah. Imam Khomeni memang lebih percaya kepada kaum fuqaha dalam memimpin pemerintahan, tetapi ia juga menekankan bahwa dalam Republik Islam, pemerintah harus bertanggung-jawab kepada rakyat, melalui mekanisme pemilihan umum dan adanya dewan perwakilan rakyat.
Pemerintahan Iran yang ada sekarang memang mendasarkan diri pada konsep Wilayah al Faqih yang ditawarkan oleh Imam Khomeini. Dalam realitas pemerintahan dan sistem politik Iran kontemporer agaknya terus mencari bentuk yang dipengaruhi oleh aliran aliran pemikiran, bukan saja mengandung perbedaan antara kaum ulama dan kaum cendekiawan, tetapi juga perbedaan di kalangan kaum mullah sendiri. Pandangan Ayatullah Khamanei umpamanya berbeda dengan pandangan Ayatullah Khatami yang liberal dan progresif, di samping adanya perbedaan antara Imam Khomeini dengan Dr. Ali Syari’ati di masa lalu.
Imam Khomeini memang akan tetap dikenang sebagai Pemimpin Besar Revolusi, Bapak Republik Islam Iran dan Sang Ratu Adil, namun tidak seluruh pendapatnya agaknya diikuti sepenuhnya dan secara dogmatis, bahkan oleh kaum mullah sendiri yang ternyata punya banyak pandangan yang berbeda. Masyarakat Islam Shia Iran adalah sebuah masyarakat yang pluralistis dengan beragam aliran keagamaaan dan pemikiran sejak dari yang fundamentalis dan konservatif hingga yang liberal atau Marxis. Dan ternyata juga, Islam di Iran bisa menerima pengaruh aliran-aliran modern itu, termasuk aliran Marxis sebagaimana diperlihatkan oleh Ali Syari’ati, walaupun istilah “Islam-Marxis” yang sempat terlontar seperti “teologi pembebasan Amerika Latin”, dianggap sebagai suatu yang absurd oleh Imam Khomeini. [Sumber:]

Senin, 28 Maret 2011

inter milan

By: Very V-ians

Special Edition
... ... ... .. Two Goals Milito Ensure Inter Milan ITALIA 2010 TREBLE WINNER!
~ Bios Club
~ President of the Club
~ Degree
~ History of Inter Milan
Moratti Turn Back La Grande Inter

Forza INTER U R THE BEST !!!!!

Club Bios
Club President
History Inter Milan
List of Players

Name: Football Club Internazionale Milano SpA
Established: March 9, 1908.
Stadium: Stadio Giuseppe Meazza, Milan, Italy (capacity 85,443).
Size (105M x 65m)
Nickname: Nerazzurri (Black Blue), La Beneamata (The Precious), IL Biscione (the Big Snake).
Training Centre: Centro Sportivo Angelo Moratti, La Pinetina Appiano Gentile
Address: Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 9-20122 Italy
Phone: 24-20122. Phone: +39 02-77151, +39 02-781514

President of the Club Inter Milan
1. 1908-1909 = Giovanni ParamithiottiM
2. 1909 - 1910 = Ettore Strauss
3. 1910-19112 = Carlo De Medici
4. 1912 - 1914 = Emilio Hirzel
5. 1914 - 1914 = Luigi Ansbacher
6. 1914 - 1919 = Giuseppe Visconti Modrone In
7. 1919 - 1920 = Giorgio Hulss
8. 1920-19223 = Francesco Mauro
9. 1923 - 1926 = Enrico Olivetti
10. 1926 - 1929 = Senatore Borletti
11. 1929 - 1930 = Ernesto Torrusio
12. 1930 - 1932 = Oreste Simonotti
13. 1932 - 1942 = Ferdinando Pozzani
14. 1942 -? May 1955 = Carlo Masseroni
15. May 28 1955 to 1968 = Angelo Moratti
16. 1968 - 1984 = Ivanoe Fraizzoli
17. 1984-February 1995 = Ernesto Pellegrini
18. February 18, 1995 - January 30, 2004 = Massimo Moratti
19. 30 January 2004 - 4 September 2006 = Giacinto Facchetti
20. 2006 - now = Massimo Moratti
(Source: Friday, 30 October 2009 source:
Achievements Inter Milan.
1. Series A 18 1909/10 1919/20 1929/30 1937/38 1939/40 1952/53 1953/54 1962/63 1964/65 1965/66 1970/71 1979/80 1988/89 2005/06 (1) 2006 / 07, 2007/08, 2008-09, 2009/10. (1) FIGC declared as champions Internazionale Serie A after Juventus been implicated in Calciopoli.
2. Cup / Champions League 3: 1963/64 1964/65 2009/2010
3. 6 times champion Coppa Italia: 1938/39, 1977/78, 1981/82, 2004/05, 2005/06, 2010

4. UEFA Cup 3: 1990/91 1993/94 1997/98
5. 2 Intercontinental Cup: 1964 1965
6. 6 times champion Super Coppa Italia: 1989, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010
7. Copa Presidente de la República 1: 1982
8. Copa Santiago Bernabeu 1: 2001
9. Coppa Dell'Amicizia Italo-Francese 1: 1959
10. Coppa Pirelli 7: 1996 1997 2000
2001 2002 2003 2005
11. Coppa Sky 1: 2004
12. Coppa Sud Tirol 2: 2003 2005
13. Memorial Giorgio Ghezzi 1: 1992
14. Memorial Luigi Campedelli 1: 1993

15. Mohamed V Trophy 1: 1962
16. Torneo Natale Milano 1: 1934
17. Torneo Milano 1: 1993
18. Trofeo Valle D'Aosta 1: 1998
19. Trofeo Birra Moretti 2: 2001 2002
20. Trofeo Ciudad de Vigo 1: 1996
21. Trofeo Spagnolo Vincenzo 1: 1998
22. Triangolare Bolzano 1: 2005
23. Central European Cup (Central Europe Cup) or (Mitropa Cup) 1: 1933
(Formerly Mitropa Cup has an equal footing with the Cup / Champions League at the present time.)
(Source: http://www.enainteristi. Monday, May 24, 2010)
24. Series A 18 1909/10 1919/20 1929/30 1937/38 1939/40 1952/53 1953/54 1962/63 1964/65 1965/66 1970/71 1979/80 1988/89 2005/06 (1) 2006 / 07, 2007/08, 2008-09, 2009/10. (1) FIGC declared as champions Internazionale Serie A after Juventus been implicated in Calciopoli.
25. Cup / Champions League 3: 1963/64 1964/65 2009/2010
26. 6 times champion Coppa Italia: 1938/39, 1977/78, 1981/82, 2004/05, 2005/06, 2010
27. UEFA Cup 3: 1990/91 1993/94 1997/98
28. 2 Intercontinental Cup: 1964 1965
29. 6 times champion Super Coppa Italia: 1989, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010
30. Copa Presidente de la República 1: 1982
31. Copa Santiago Bernabeu 1: 2001
32. Coppa Dell'Amicizia Italo-Francese 1: 1959
33. Coppa Pirelli 7: 1996 1997 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005
34. Coppa Sky 1: 2004
35. Coppa Sud Tirol 2: 2003 2005
36. Memorial Giorgio Ghezzi 1:1992
37. Memorial Luigi Campedelli 1: 1993
38. Mohamed V Trophy 1: 1962
39. Torneo Natale Milano 1: 1934
40. Torneo Milano 1: 1993
41. Trofeo Valle D'Aosta 1: 1998
42. Trofeo Birra Moretti 2 2001 2002
43. Trofeo Ciudad de Vigo 1: 1996
44. Trofeo Spagnolo Vincenzo 1: 1998
45. Triangolare Bolzano 1: 2005
46. Central European Cup (Central Europe Cup) or (Mitropa Cup) 1: 1933 (Formerly Mitropa Cup has an equal footing with the Cup / Champions League at the present time.) (Source: http://www.enainteristi. Monday, May 24, 2010)

Champion Series A ITALIA ALL TIME
Year Champion

Genoa 1898
Genoa 1899
Genoa 1900
1901 Milan
Genoa 1902
Genoa 1903
Genoa 1904
1905 Juventus
1906 Milan
1907 Milan
1908 Pro Vercelli
1909 Pro Vercelli
1909-10 Inter Milan
1910-11 Pro Vercelli
1911-12 Pro Vercelli
1912-13 Pro Vercelli
1913-14 Casale
1914-15 Genoa
Absent 1915-19 because of World War I
1919-20 Inter Milan
1920-21 Pro Vercelli
1921-22 Pro Vercelli
1922-23 Genoa
1923-24 Genoa
1924-25 Bologna
1925-26 Juventus
1926-27 Torino
1927-28 Torino
1928-29 Bologna
1929-30 Ambrosiana-Inter Milan
1930-31 Juventus
1931-32 Juventus
1932-33 Juventus
1933-34 Juventus
1934-35 Juventus
1935-36 Bologna
1936-37 Bologna
1937-38 Ambrosiana-Inter Milan
1938-39 Bologna
1939-40 Ambrosiana-Inter Milan
1940-41 Bologna
Rome 1941-42
1942-43 Torino
Absent 1943-45 because of World War II
1945-46 Torino
1946-47 Torino
1947-48 Torino
1948-49 Torino
1949-50 Juventus
1950-51 Milan
1951-52 Juventus
1952-53 Inter Milan
1953-54 Inter Milan
1955-56 Inter Milan
1956-57 Milan
1957-58 Juventus
1958-59 Milan
1959-60 Juventus
1906-61 Juventus
1961-62 Milan
1963-64 Bologna
1964-65 Inter Milan
1965-66 Inter Milan
1966-67 Juventus
1967-68 Milan
1968-69 Fiorentina
1969-70 Cagliari
1970-71 Inter Milan
1971-72 Juventus
1972-73 Juventus
1973-74 Lazio
1974-75 Juventus
1975-76 Torina
1976-77 Juventus
1977-78 Juventus
1978-79 Milan
1979-80 Inter Milan
1980-81 Juventus
1981-82 Juventus
Rome 1982-83
1983-84 Juventus
1984-85 Verona
1985-86 Juventus
1986-87 Napoli
1987-88 Milan
1988-89 Inter Milan
Year Champion
1989-90 Napoli
1990-91 Sampdoria
1991-92 Milan
1992-93 Milan
1993-94 Milan
1994-95 Juventus
1995-96 Milan
1996-97 Juventus
1997-98 Juventus
1998-99 Milan
1999-00 Lazio
Rome 2000-01
2001-02 Juventus
2002-03 Juventus
2003-04 Milan
2004-05 Without Winner (Juventus stripped of title)
2005-06 Inter Milan (title overflow)
2006-07 Inter Milan
2007-08 Inter Milan
2008-09 Inter Milan
2009-10 Inter Milan
Inter Milan
Internazionale Milano, or commonly known as Inter Milan was founded in March 9, 1908. This club is a fraction of AC Milan, who was nine years older. Internazionale Milano Football Club was born with a dissent. It is said ironically, was ironic, however, that
that occurred in the past. Seajarah Inter Milan came from Cricket and Football Club was founded on December 16, 1899 by three British nationals, namely Herbert Kilpin, Allison and Davies. The three series are assisted by three other colleagues, namely Alfred Edwards, and Nathan Barnett.
The founders and members of the Milan Cricket and Football Club was originally might not have thought and thought, never thought that it would split sports club. The reason was fairly trivial. Some members, led by Giovanni Paramithiotti, protesting the club's policy of barring member. At that time, Milan does not allow foreign players to strengthen his team and just accept the Italian and English players, not from other countries. Swelter on the dominance of local players at AC Milan.
Some who disagree ago A group of Italians and Swiss (Giorgio Muggiani, Bossard, Lana, Bertoloni, De Olma, Enrico Hintermann, Arturo Hintermann, Carlo Hintermann, Pietro Dell'Oro, Hugo and Hans Rietmann, Voelkel, Maner, Wipf, dams Carlo Ardussi) finally left the Milan Cricket and Football Club and the club agreed to set up his own club tandingan.membentuk On Monday, March 9, 1908, to coincide in the Restaurant Dell 'Orologio, stand Internazionale Milano Football Club, which later was known by the name of Inter Milan.
Although the means used is insubordination in the beginning, later on there was one thing that deserves thumbs up from Internazionale Milano Football Club that is the goal that applies to 'public'. In other words, open to anyone, regardless of their state and nation, and global nature. In essence, from the beginning, this club has dared to put aside differences in racial and social discrimination.
Once Internazionale sifanya declared open to the public, a number of foreign players began to arrive. Most of them come from Switzerland. In fact, the first captain of this club were Swiss nationals, Ernst Marktl.
To distinguish themselves clearly the identity of his elder brother, Milan; they commissioned George Muggiani, a local design, to design a costume. According to the agreement, Muggiani gold base color and then wear a black line-blue combined vertically.
Costume is complete. It was time to form the club organization. As a tribute to the idea of ​​'madness' that make the club run, Giovanni Paramithiotti, was appointed as president of the club's first Football Club Internazionale Milano.
Since established, the club is open to all players from other countries. The second year following the competition Serie A, Inter and Italy bermaterikan foreign players directly into champions. Thanks to the services of foreign players, Internazionale not have to wait long to get his first title. In the 1909/10 season, Internazionale get his first trophy. Is Virgilio Fosatti I, captain and coach who played a major role combines the Italian-Swiss collaboration in Internazionale. He died while involved in World War I.
Other Interesting Facts
Giorgio Muggiani, one person who initiated the formation of Inter is also a painter who designed the club logo that lasted till today. Virgilio Fossati is the captain and the coach who brought Inter for the first time the scudetto. He died while involved in World War I.
Name Changes
Internazionale growing so rapidly from the initial formation. However, it is also very rapid deterioration occurs. After gaining his first trophy, Internazionale haru wait ten years later to be able to get the trophy back to both, namely the 1919/20 season. Where when it was led by President Giorgio Internazionale hulls and allenatore Nino Rosegotti. Uniquely, who became the team captain is the son of former Internazionale coach who first obtained a championship trophy, namely Virgilio Fosatti II.
After the 1922 Inter should have relegated to Serie B, the performance of their team fall sharply and eventually occupy the position of the Group B standings basis of Serie A. But after sending a petition with the editor of La Gazzetta dello Sport to allow them to keep playing in Serie A on financial considerations, the Italian Football Federation (FIGC) grant the request. Inter were still taking part in competitions Serie A in 1923 and instead, Venezia that are rated better but do not have a pretty good financial base must be degraded.
The story goes and deals with the historical record of the dibincangkan in Europe and other countries. At the time of fascist, Italy is famous for the dictatorship of Benito Mussolini, who aspires to make the Italian as a superpower nation. Impact, policy changes in countries such Spaghetti. Everything is set to be consistent with the understanding that he apply. That was the beginning where Internazionale 'forced' to merge with local clubs Milanese Unione Sportivo in the 1928/29 season. Thus making the name changed to Ambrosiana-Internazionale Inter.
At that time, Mussolini Internazionale deemed incompatible with fahamnya. At that time, Internazionale is much strengthened by foreign players from outside Italy.
Meanwhile, as the state ideology of fascist adherents, Italy more favor his own people or anti-foreign.
Inter also had to change its name to Ambrosiana SS Milano during the era of fascism in Italy after joining the Milanese Unione Sportiva in 1928. Even a year later was elected club president Oreste Simonotti a U.S. patent for the name Ambrosiana Inter in 1929.
However Inter fans still call their favorite club with the same call as before and finally in 1931, the new president of the Inter Ferdinando Pozzani change it again to U.S. Ambrosiana-Inter.
Although must change its name, Inter remain Inter. This is seen from the three titles that obtained when using the name Ambrosiana-Inter. In fact, when it won third Scudetto in 1929/30 season, in which fascist ideology is still valid, Inter coached by a foreigner named Arpad Veisz allenatore.
During the Fascist era, ypolitik policy affects every line of life in Italy, including Italian football world. Inter obliged to merge with the Milanese Unione Sportiva and the team wins its third Scudetto under the name Ambrosiana Inter. Nerazzurri in 1934 Allemandi, Castellazzi, Demaria and Giuseppe Meazza win the World Cup with the Italian national team in Rome in 1934.
In the process of the title, the contribution of young man named Giuseppe Meazza, who later made his name as the name of Inter Milan's stadium, very big. The success of the club in the era of the 1930s could not be separated from the players who would later become legends of all time for Inter and Italy.
Two years later, Frossi and Locatelli won the gold medal at the Berlin Olympics. 1938 Inter players, Ferraris II, Ferrari, Locatelli and Meazza involved in the Azzurri won the 1938 World Cup in Paris. In the same year, won the fourth Scudetto, the Coppa Italia as well as the first title in 1939.
After World War II, precisely in 1946, Ambrosiana-Inter again changed its name to Internazionale as the name originally stood. People who played a major role in this regard is Masseroni Carlo, president of the club since 1942.
After the end of World War II, the name was removed and then replaced the earlier name, FC Internazionale Milano and maintained to the present.
The black color represents the dark of night and described the sky blue. Inter had been a change when merged with the Milanese Unione Sportiva in 1928, namely their costumes turns white with a red cross on the chest, but after World War II ended, Inter returned to their original color.
In 1940 the name Ambrosiana is abandoned in October 1945, and the club return to the previous name, Inter. 1947 Giuseppe Meazza played official matches in which his 408 career marked the end of the legend is an Inter shirt. Inter striker, who attains legend status with his 287 goals until 1979, and one year later, his name is enshrined as the official name of the San Siro stadium in honor of his services.
1953 Nerazzurri win their sixth Scudetto pada1953 and repeat the success next year. Inter wear costumes like the beginning of his greatness stands, the black-blue. For twelve years Internazionale Masseroni became ship captains, two Scudetti successfully grasped. Remarkably, it made two consecutive seasons, 1952/53 and 1953/54 with coach Alfredo Foni.
Name this era that became famous four motor Inter's success,
they are: Benito "Veleno" Lorenzi (Italy), Skoglund (Sweden), Wilkes (Netherlands) and Nyers that no nationality. Angelo Moratti in 1963 served as President of Inter, and Helenio Herrera troops manning an unforgettable: Sarti, Burgnich, Facchetti, Bedin, Guarneri, Picchi, Jair, Mazzola, Milani (Domenghini), Suarez, and Corso.
Angelo Moratti era:
La Grande I
When the aircraft carrier Internazionale held by Angelo Moratti, father of Massimo Moratti, Inter's current president, began the golden era that to this day still often dibincangkan the tifosi. During Angelo in power, achieved a total of seven titles and European titles were brought to Inter.
Inter won three Serie A titles (1964, 1965 and 1966), the title of the latter is the achievement of ten Scudetto and allowed to wear one gold star in an Inter shirt. Two European titles were achieved, the Champions Cup Champion Exactly. (1964 against Real Madrid and 1965 against Benfica) Two also not be missed Intercontinental Cups (1964 and 1965), both against Argentine outfit Independiente). 1968 Burgnich, Domenghini, Facchetti, Guarneri and Mazzola played a major role for the Italian national team's success at Euro 1968 in Rome. Champions Cup, now known as the Champions League, 1963/64 and 1964/65 seasons and the 1964 and 1965 Intercontinental Cup, is testament to how Inter was so powerful. Might they became increasingly in the 1964/65 season. Inter won three titles at once, the Scudetto, the Champions Cup and Cup Interkoninental.
In that era really feared Inter in Italy and Europe. With a 4-2-4 formation, Inter great in defense and peyerangan. In fact, Inter was known as The Winning Team, which consists of Sarti (goalkeeper); Burgnich, Facchetti, Bedin, Guarneri (defender); Picchi, Jair (midfielder); Mazzola, Milani, Suarez, Corso (striker).
Angelo Moratti is not the only person in the big beperan
Inter golden. Helenio Herrera is the coach who is the director Inter real success. In the history of the club, there were 55 people who could deal with Inter and Helenio Herrera is the oldest person who ever served as Inter coach with nine seasons (eight years in a row) in power. Herrera is also a coach with the longest successful track record, with three Scudetto, two Champions League titles and two Intercontinental Cup.
Argentine allenatore start mengarsiteki Inter in the 1960/61 season. Cold hands of Herrera, Inter defense system demonstrate that the bolt or dikela with Catenaccio term. He was the coach who popularized the tactics and strategy. Later, in the future, survive style Catenaccio style characterizes the clubs and the Italian national team.
A club could not be separated from the sometimes grim. Similarly, Inter. The club has ever triumphed in the 1960's it feel gloom of a bad season with four titles (1966-1970 season), there is no Inter won the league at that time.
Bleak period did not last long. The new president, Ivanoe Fraizzoli, managed to bring Inter repeat its heyday. Marked by the appearance of thin striker, Alessandro Altobelli, Inter began to feel again the title.
Inter Success is not separated from the two coaches, namely Gianni Invernizzi and Eugenio Bersellini. They are juggling Inter back into the dreaded club. Invernizzi which handles Inter for two seasons (1970-1972), succeeded in presenting one scudetto in the 1970/71 season. While Berselinni even worse. Raihan two Scudetti plus two Italian Cup is a sweet gift for five seasons working for Inter.
Three years later, the Nerazzurri win their eleventh Scudetto under the guidance of coach Gianni Invernizzi. 1982 After the twelfth Scudetto was won pada1980, Altobelli, Bergomi, Bordon, Marini and Oriali win the World Cup with Italy in Madrid pada1982.
In the era of coach Giovanni Trapatoni, Inter entered the final triumph in Serie A. Top coach who signed from Juventus managed to bring Inter scudetto grabbed the 13th time in the 1988/89 season. Mr. Trap yourself dealing Inter since the 1986/87 season.
Inter really Digdaya when held Mr. Trap. Duet Germany, Andreas Brehme and Lothar Matthaeus, are important players behind successful Inter coach in addition to the name itself. Kebintangan they are supported by local stars, such as Walter Zenga, Giuseppe Bergomi and Riccardo Ferri. (Source:
1989 Inter win their thirteenth Scudetto pada1989, a record 58 points from 34 matches (two points for a win). One year later Inter trio from Germany, Brehme, Klinsmann and Matthaeus win the World Cup 90. In the same year, Lothar Matthaeus becomes the first Inter player to be awarded the prestigious European Player of the best. 1991 On May 22, 1991, exactly 26 years after their last international success, Inter won the UEFA Cup. Matthaeus becomes the first Inter player who was awarded the FIFA World Player.
So the conclusion. When the aircraft carrier Internazionale held by Angelo Moratti, who began the golden era to this day still often dibincangkan tifosi. During Angelo in power, total Inter won seven titles. It's really great because not only local deck that won the European title but also managed to digondol.Piala Champions 1963-64 and 1964-65 seasons and intercontinental cup 1964 and 1965, is proof of how Inter was so powerful. Might meeka became increasingly in the 1964-65 season. They won three titles at once: Scudetto, the Champions Cup and Cup Inter Interkontinental.Di era truly feared. With a 4-2-4 formation, Inter superb in attack and defense. Even Inter had known as the winning team. This team consists of: Sarti (goalkeeper), Burgnich, Facchetti, Bedin, Guarneri (defender), Picchi, Jair (midfielder), Mazzola, Milani, Suarez, Corso (striker). Not only Angelo only makes Inter reaches golden. Another figure that should not be overlooked is Helenio Herrera. Even he's not an overstatement if called from argentina sesungguhnya.Allenatore director who is starting mengarsiteki Inter in 1960-61. in the cold hands of Herrera, Inter demonstrate defense system latch or better known by the term Catenaccio. He was the coach who popularized the tactics and strategies that model. Later, survived a la Catenaccio style characterizes the clubs and country clubs Italia.Sebuah sometimes not separated from the bleak, as well as Inter. The club has ever triumphed in the 1960's it then felt the gloom. Inter famine will the title for four seasons (1966-1970). Neither title came just meeka.Untung Inter bleak period did not last long. The new president, Ivanoe Fraizzoli, managed to bring Inter repeat his prime. Marked by the emergence of skinny striker, Alessandro Altobelli, Inter began to feel the back of his juara.Sukses Inter in this period could not be separated from the role of coach Gianni Invernizzi two and Eugenio Bersellini. They are juggling the dreaded Inter into the club. Invernizzzi which handles Inter for two seasons (1970-1972), succeeded in presenting one scudetto in 1970-71 season. While Besellini even worse. Raihan two plus two cup Italian scudetto a sweet gift for five seasons working on the coaching Inter.Bisa said Giovanni Trapatoni, Inter Milan enters its heyday at the end of the serie-A. Top coach who signed from Juventus managed to bring Inter scudetto grabbed the 13th time in the 1988-89 season. Mr. Trap itself began to deal with Inter since 1986-season 87.Inter really Digdaya when held Mr. Trap. German duo of Andreas Brehme and Lothar Mattheus is an important player behind the success of Inter. Besides, of course, his own coach. Kebintangan them at that time also supported by local bintng-star kinds of Walter Zenga, Giuseppe Bergomi, or Riccardo Ferri.Setelah Ernesto Pellegrini stepped down from the presidency, Massimo Moratti appeared in 1995. He wants to repeat the success his father is Angelo Moratti.

Massimo Moratti era
Since February 18, 1995
1998 Ronaldo became the second Inter player who was awarded the FIFA World Player. Although predicated as a world player, Ronaldo has not been able to bring Scudetto.Inter must admit to compete with Juventus.
Inter is one of the most successful club in Italy competition. Total of 25 domestic titles acquired Inter, with a recapitulation of the Serie A title 18, 6 titles and 6 Coppa Italia trophy Supercoppa Italy.
While at the International event, which since its establishment Inter bermaterikan many international players even poorer performance. In total, only seven titles successfully carried off, ie three Champions League titles, three UEFA Cup titles and two Intercontinental Cup titles.
But to be proud of rather than the two rivals Inter weight, Milan and Juventus, is they have never been relegated since taking part in Italy's top domestic competition. Milan was relegated two times, while Juventus were knocked out one time to Serie B because of their involvement in the scandal Calciopoli some time ago.
White costume with red crosses chest-like costumes worn when celebrating the 100th annual Inter in the season 2008/09- used in the fascist era was uninstalled.
In 1999, occurred four times a change of baton Inter coach in the body. Mircea Lucescu became the first person believed to deal with Inter before then went into the hands of Luciano Castelini and continues to Roy Hodgson before finally held Marcello Lippi.
In the final UEFA Cup, Inter beat Lazio 3-0 in Paris and lift the UEFA Cup trophy in their third. Djorkaeff (France) and Ronaldo (Brazil) a few months later met as opponents in the final match of the prestigious World Cup. 2000 Exactly 12 April, Ronaldo's injury during Inter's away to the city of Rome against Lazio in the Coppa Italia final event.
2001/02 season, the Nerazzurri defense led by French defender Laurent Blanc tough. He became part of the French championship team that beat Italy in the final of Euro 2000.
2002 fourteenth Scudetto which is in sight pass.
In the crucial game, Inter had lost 4-2 over Lazio at the Olimpico stadium of Rome. And finally flew Scudetto to Juventus.
2004 Inter cruised into the semifinal of the Champions League. In the semifinals to meet AC Milan and Inter have lost through Milan on away goals aggregate. Target champion again evaporated.

The Golden Age Massimo Moratti
Roberto Mancini in 2005 to stop the famine era of achievement experienced by Inter. Seven years have passed since the last trophy, Mancini offered the Coppa Italia trophy in the final after beating AS Roma 3-0 Serie A Nerazzurri completed the competition with third place in the final standings.
2006 Again Inter reached the top of the Coppa Italia party and once again meet AS Roma. As a result, Inter draw 1-1 in first leg in Rome and won 3-1 at the Giuseppe Meazza. Two months later officially awarded the Scudetto Inter's Serie A by the Italian Football Federation (FIGC).
Fourteenth title is obtained after Juventus proved embarrassing acts by regulating the game score. He was a successful start to the season 2006/07 Inter won the Italian Super Cup after beating AS Roma 4-3. 2007 Marco Materazzi et al again shows keperkasaannya
scores in Italy after the 15th Scudetto. Created a record, 26 wins, 6 draws and just 1 defeat from 33 games. Robero Mancini became the third coach in Inter history to win back-to-back titles-titles league after Alfredo Foni (1952/53 and 1953/54) and Helenio Herrera (1964/65 and 1965/66). ( http://www.enainteristi.freejoomlas.comMonday, 07 December 2009)
Inter wins Milan derby. Milan, December 23, 2007 - Inter Milan emerged as the winner in the derby city of Milan. Coming from behind, the Nerazzurri finally successfully beat AC Milan by a score of 2-1.Dengan points 43, Inter increasingly solid at the top. Roberto Mancini's squad also maintain unbeaten record in Serie A, won 13 games and four times imbang.Buat Milan, this is the fourth defeat this season. With the difference 25 points with Inter, Diavolo Rosso who last week became the world champion seemed to have to remove the Club from the list of target scudetto della Madonnina ini.Derby season to 169 in the last edition in high tension.
The atmosphere of the game which was originally feared to be flat following a threat tiffosi unproven silent action, the San Siro on Sunday (23/12/2007), remained second klub.Milan rumbled by fans who just put Filippo Inzaghi as a striker in front of Kaka and Clarence Seedorf slightly depressed at the beginning of the fight, some had harsh violation
Rossoneri made to withstand the onslaught Nerazzurri.Zlatan Ibrahimovich, who paired denngan Julio Cruz in Inter front line, opening up opportunities for the host when the game has been running for four minutes. It releases time first kick at the far post after receiving a crossing Milan Maicon thin float above mistar.Namun precisely Milan comes first opened excellence through Andrea Pirlo free kick in minute 17.
Beginning Ivan Cordoba violations against Inzaghi right in front of the penalty box, Pirlo execution of a nested into the top right corner Inter goalkeeper Julio Cesar.Dalam only capable of being looked at two minute intervals Inter almost equalized. After Dida did brilliantly to dismiss crossing rescue Cruz
Ibrahimovich nearly struck, the ball just fell to the feet Luiz Jimenez. Rebound Chile midfielder also was not equalized because the ball just targeting mistar.Dalam depressed position, Milan through Balinya attack back even endanger Inter. Roberto Mancini's squad is fortunate to have Javier Zanetti who brilliantly manage Kaka when poked into the box for the onslaught being waged penalti.Gempuran Inter finally paid off in minute 36. In a convoy of four players from Milan, Cruz is receiving feedback from Cambiasso hard that even though the kick off had touched the hands of Dida but remained lodged in gawang.Dalam conditions added draw fierce fight. Milan, who occasionally attack had claimed a penalty when Kaka dropped Cambiasso in the forbidden box, something similar happened in the camp after Kakha Kaladze Inter touch the ball with his hands in the penalty box as he tried to sweep the ball from the defense.
In the second half to replace Carlo Ancelotti include Emerson Gattuso and Gilardino replacing Pippo. This turnover could look promising, at minute 49 Mad continued feedback Maldini header failed to meet targets.
But then the more control of the match Inter and Milan play forcing half the field. Opportunities to reverse the situation was owned by Cambiasso Inter who received the ball from Zlatan, but again failed goal created by kicking him from the edge of the penalty box flew high over the target.
Struggling to hold strikes Inter, Milan would "give" the enemy's second goal on 63 minutes through Cambiasso. Maldini disaster began when he threw the ball too weak in front of the penalty box which is then struck by Cambiasso. Cambiasso kick the ball which is not too hard and leads right into the middle of the goal, but Dida somehow wrong to anticipate and even threw himself to the left.
New Milan has a chance to equalize on 83 minutes when Kaka kick off firts time outside the penalty box.